Chapter Forty-Five: Fiery Passion

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bon appetit!!
------------------------------------------------------The soft music and joyful chatter around them seemed to have vanished from Emoriah's thoughts, as a rapid pounding began in her chest.

Surely, her eyes were deceiving her?

But from the sly smile sent her way and deep mirth swirling within his bright blue eyes. She knew this to be too awfully true. Powerful disbelief rocked through her thoughts pulling and thrashing her mind into numerous shattered pieces.

"Have you missed me, your highness?" Thale crooned softly.

What was he playing at?

Bloody crag-headed dumpnibbler!!

"Missed you?!" Emoriah felt her voice cry out, as her thoughts began to clear. "Crikey!! Thale what are you doing here?"

A frightening expression passed through his boyish features, as he stared through her with darkened eyes. But before Emoriah could detect the possible sinister ideas he was planning his scowling mask smoothed back into a charming smile.

"My, your highness. Your formalities never cease to amaze me."

Emoriah felt her lips turn downwards at the teasing tone sent her way. She felt very much similar to a mouse trapped within the claws of a beast patiently waiting for the end of the games.

But really what was he doing here?

Was he really that ignorant?

He must know he's a wanted man....

"Brother, where have you been?" Lorde Charles uttered suspiciously, instantly stirring Emoriah from her weary thoughts. "And don't even attempt to lie you know it has no effect on me."


Bloody hell.

Could this day possibly grow any simpler?

"As if I would tell you." Thale replied, with a bitter sneer growing on his full lips.

A disappointed sigh left Charles chest, as he shook his head down towards his brother's smaller frame. "Mother has been worried." 

"Don't speak to me about that wench!" Thale hissed, before a twisted laugh fell from his lips. "You may be older but that does not mean I will listen to your commands."

Barmy! How could she have been so blind!!

The striking similarities between the two boys is astonishing!!

It was when both dazzling bright blue eyes turned towards her direction that Emoriah realized her mouth had fallen open in bewilderment. Snapping her lips together Emoriah attempted to pull her tight lips into a grin, though it must have been a terrifying sight.

Cold clammy fingers suddenly wrapped around her wrists pulling her frame forward into a cold muscular torso. Emoriah felt her throat grow painfully caught in her chest at the sudden movement, but it was nowhere as excruciating when she lifted her gaze up towards two revolting blue pools.

"Emoriah you have to leave. You..they." Thale whispered hotly in desperation, before a hard and purely determined look appeared in his eyes. "This is your last chance, your highness."

Emoriah shoved the concerning irritation away from his words, as she bit her lips sharply together. "What are you saying, Thale?"

Emoriah felt the cold fingers latched onto her wrists shake slightly, before Thale opened his mouth uncertainly.

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