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Note from author: You guys, please understand that this is my first work. There will be many errors and what I like to call "newbie writing". But I enjoy sharing all of my work with readers. The good, the bad and the very very new. So enjoy, my first!  

"A bizarre accident near Port Cardinal Hospital resulted in the disappearance of twenty-two year old Eve Carlo; witnesses at the scene described the ordeal as disturbing, horrifying and downright confusing. One witness said one minute Mrs. Carlo was rolling into oncoming traffic in the driver's seat. The next moment an unknown gentleman pulled her from the vehicle by breaking the driver windshield. As the two gathered on the side of the road witnesses stated everything seemed resolved although Mrs. Carlo seemed a little upset, which was when a red pickup truck came out of nowhere striking Mrs. Carlo she has not been seen since. Police and Fire Officials stated they think it's possible she fell off the cliff, they are now dragging the waters to see if it is possible to recover the body of Eve Carlo."

"We tried to reach out to Mrs. Carlo's husband for any answers he could give to his wife's disappearance he simply said 'she's not dead' before speeding off in his vehicle."

"Who was Eve Cardwell Carlo, The question many have come to ask themselves as the city prays for the family. We do not know much about her, we only can wish them all the best."

"The family two days after the accident near Port Cardinal Hospital released these statements... 'Eve was a girl full of life and hope. We will not mourn the loss of our beautiful Eve until she is found, we hold out hope that she is out there somewhere. We hope she knows how much she meant to her entire family, Eve we miss you.' This was given to the news channel by her brother Gray Cardwell, very sweet words. Another statement was also given on behalf of her husband, I am told he is not up to talking or writing at this time, which is understandable, the family chose these words for Mr. Evan Carlo, she was his everything, his whole world she filled him with light, and simply he does not feel she is gone, it has been hard on Evan and he is holding onto everything they have once shared to pull him through this tough time, but like he always told his wife he will never stop loving her."

"Evan, can I come in?" Journey asked from outside the bedroom, clutching a pot of tea. It was clear she was worried as she waited for some sort of sign that she could enter.

"What, what do you want?" Evan asked. He pulled himself up from the bed leaving the covers where they fell, his hair a mess his face rather dark and emotionless he looked like hell.

"I brought you some tea." Journey said barely a sound escaping her lips; she wanted nothing but the best for him. She prayed every hour on the hour that they found me. She knew what it was doing and would continue to do to him.

"Journey like I told you every day since this screw up, I am not hungry or thirsty." He said standing up and going to the window. He did this everyday repeatedly, hoping that he would see anything that gave him a sign that I was alive.

Journey let out a long sigh convincing herself she had to do the right thing; she couldn't leave him in his bedroom to starve to death. She stood up straight and headed over to Evan, placing one small hand on his rather large bicep.

"I know that you are tough, but you still need to keep your strength, you need it for when you hear word, that way you can take off right?" She asked hoping he wouldn't scream at her as he had done so many times before.

"Put it next to the bed, and please leave me alone. I know she's alive it's on a whole other level that I'm worried about. Who cares about news?" He uttered.

He was trying his hardest to not believe all the hype, to not give in like my family and just say what made sense I was killed, that either the impact of the car or the long drop off the side of a cliff into half frozen water killed me. He believed more than anyone knew, he knew what they did not.

Kenny came into the room no fear or apprehension like Journey, he was well, his face still full of life. It almost seemed he was not bothered in the least at any of this crazy mess.

"How are you holding up bro?" He asked coming to stand next to Evan, as his gaze stayed on the window.

"I'm alright, besides the fact I left her here and took off. And I relied on you to keep her safe and you screwed that up. I should kill you." He said shaking his head, not even looking in Kenny's direction.

"She pushed me out of the way, she saw it coming. And I did my best to keep her safe. You don't get what mind frame she was in, she was gone Evan." Kenny said.

"That's what I hear you say every time you come over here, why the hell are you here anyways, you lost all hope right?" Evan asked chuckling to himself, it amazed him how him and his brother could love the same person but feel so differently on so much about her.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now