Letter 6

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Another day that I made it through without you back home, it does not get easier you will never read this but if you did I want you to know that. Where do I start? Let's see its apparent you are trying to spread your wings and take off into a life of your own, I can tell your desperate for some sort of normal. I feel how much hurt and resentment is building inside, it doesn't matter the circumstances you still have the same heart and you're still fighting the battles inside yourself as you always did.

You brought home a guy, I got a call from Gray that he blew up on you and spilled a little too much about you and your mom because he was angry. He felt bad and for good reason that's not how you explain these types of things to someone. But he said the only thing he could do was leave because he was ready to break and just tell you everything. He actually told me he doesn't want to see you with just some random guy because he is afraid of them hurting you. He was upset because he knows just as well where you belong. So that was why we were outside hanging out at your Dad's. We waited patiently for you to show up no one thought you had the balls to bring the guy back with you though. But when I looked at the two of you I could tell it was harmless and you meant nothing by it, you just wanted the company.

Further, on into the night I totally saw the old Eve pop back up when you nearly punched good ole Kenny right in the mouth. I might have too the way he was talking to you. I did the only thing I could think of to calm you down and that was getting you away from the situation. When we walked it was like old times flashing in front of my eyes, I nearly kissed you and I could sense you felt the same. I held off though because I know I am stronger than that and I don't want to jump too soon.

I thought I gave you some good advice, I hope you take it, it feels as if you think the only choice you have is to keep moving forwar, but if you do that I'm afraid you will leave to much of the past behind. What's going on inside that head of yours?

Love Evan

Summer was here it was obvious just by looking at all the bright warm weather, and all the beachgoers. My Dad's house seemed to be only a hop skip and a jump from where everyone went to swim and have a good time in the sun.

I sat on the porch watching more and more people my age pass by with coolers and towels anything you needed to enjoy a day on the beach. An occasional guy looked up giving his best attempt at flirting with me.

I pulled my sunglasses down opening up the magazine that I was planning on reading to pass the time. It gave me something to do after the stint at Edgar Alan I wasn't in much of a mood to try and make any more friends. I felt as if I was part of a gang that did not like the outsiders. And at the same time, I felt like the outsider that was very hard to understand, or make sense about any of the situation. I had decided that I would be my own friend and that was why I put my bikini on and came outside to get some sun- alone.

Or so I thought, just as I really started enjoying an article I was interrupted.

"How have you been?" Owen asked. He waved his group of similar looking male friends off coming up the steps with a towel; he was wearing plaid board shorts and another plain white t-shirt. I tossed the magazine amazed he would even have the nerve to come back after what he went through.

"I've been ok. How are you?" I asked sitting up and taking him in his hair a mess, he always looked so casual as if he didn't care one way or another. It was obvious he was just a shower guy nothing more. It was all about music and soul as he put it. He wasn't a bad looking guy, good build but unkempt. He had nice eyes and full lips, his tattoos made him look risky, he just wasn't what I saw myself ever liking in that way. But he was interesting and that was what made me want to know him. And probably the fact his voice made love to your soul that would definitely work in his favor.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now