New day

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The alarm sounded cutting into my peaceful sleep, sending me crashing back into reality. Kenny was on the edge of the bed smoking a cigarette. He barely looked up as I flung the covers from me, the sheet falling lazily to the floor.

I yawned raising my arms above my head trying to make as much noise as I could to get Kenny to notice me. He stayed where he was his back to me.

"Well good morning to you too." I grumbled walking passed him in my underwear and t-shirt.

"Oh, yeah morning." He said standing up in nothing but his boxer briefs; as much as I wanted to attack him, I held off, this wasn't his usual self.

"You're smoking in my house." I said with a raised eyebrow, he shook his head coming back to reality.

"I-I yeah I'm sorry, I got to run ok?" He said kissing my cheek barely as he grabbed up his clothes. I whirled around my hair slapping me in the face.

"What is going on with you Kenny Carlo, did you finally figure out my deep dark secret?" I asked with half a chuckle. Kenny's face seemed a little pained at that, he stepped into his pants studying me.

"You're not funny Eve, and don't call me that it's weird." He said shaking his head at me.

I could never understand Kenny's moods, he usually only had one or two. Anything other than these was just odd and they gave me the creeps.

"Don't bother coming back." I said plopping down on the bed. Kenny pulled his shirt over his head looking rather bored with my taunt.

"Shut up." He said mocking me; he was as cold as an ice cube as he gave me a quick glare.

"I'm serious I'm tired of your moods, one minute you want me, the next your cold and shut down."

"Eve grow up, I'm freaking human. I'm allowed to have off days, and like you have any room to talk." He said mumbling the last part as he snagged up his keys from the dresser.

"Speak up if you want to talk shit Kenny." I said loudly.

But Kenny only shook his head in disbelief and walked out the door.

 I kicked an empty box across the room fuming with rage. Kenny knew just how to torture me when he wanted.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now