Letter 16

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Life someone once said it's what happens when you're busy making other plans. I don't have any more to say, I don't feel like writing. This is what we are, no one can ever contain evil, and it's rather contagious. I used to think I was the one difference, the one who defied the odds. I don't know anymore. I'm not a monster; I do what is asked of me. I do what I was trained to do. I think it's monstrous to have so many trying to judge me for simply being who I was made to be. Everyone has to die, no one is going to survive so why am I wrong? I am a Grim Reaper, an angel of death. I make the world go round, death is not nice, and it's not sweet and peaceful. Death is a new way of living, life is fuel for existence of another kind of human. It's a sick cycle, which never ends.


The room was dark, merely lit by the small night light in the corner. I wasn't in my bed and it was hard to sleep, being at my Dad's house I knew was the right choice now, but it was a change.

All was quiet in the house, listening very closely I could hear the soft pant of Oliver as he slept in bed with me. I promised him tomorrow we would get him a crib to sleep in. His breathing melodic and so fragile, it was soothing and made me happy to know he was safe.

Ari turned over on the futon on the other side of the bedroom, poking her bare feet out from the comforter.

"What time is it?" She whispered into the night. I pulled my cell phone from underneath my pillow. The hiding place I had conjured up after being bombarded with nonstop calls from Evan and Kenny.

"It's almost three in the morning." I whispered back pushing my hair off my shoulders. I was tired but to stressed out to sleep.

"I bet their pissed." Ari whispered again, she crawled into the bed with Oliver and me, the light from my cell phone making her image a little more visible.

"I don't even care; they were acting like animals back there. And who does Kenny think he is yelling at like that, or hitting you." I said staring off into the dark.

"There in a bad place, somewhere I never thought we'd have to deal with. And I get why, but some things you just don't do." Ari said sighing.

I laid back in bed listening to her speak about all her worries.

"Kenny has done so well, he's not half as nuts as he once was. I don't want to see him turning into that again. Kenny's a good guy, until he lets what he has going on in his head take over. All he needs is a push, and it won't be good." Ari confided.

"What other choice do they have, Gus wanted someone on his side. Now he has both, what if he did make me choose?" I asked.

Ari stayed silent.

"If he made me choose do you think one of them would have-"I trailed off not wanting to say the rest of the sentence, it pained me. I never wanted to see either of them harmed; I never wanted to lose them.

"It's a battle no matter what way we look at this thing. Some things in life all fall back onto how much you want something, how much you're willing to hold onto it." Ari spoke up finally.

I laid back resting my hand on Oliver so I could feel him near me, closing my eyes I forced myself to sleep, to turn off all my worries. I had so many thoughts in my mind, crazy ones eating away at my sanity.

What if Gus pulled Evan and Kenny into his torturous world of cruelty and murder?

What if he twisted everything that existed for all of us into pure hatred and pain?

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now