I am Eve

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When you think about life, it's something so incredibly complicated it's hard to even wrap your mind around.

Breaking life into parts, we were once nonexistent. And then because two people for whatever reasons decided to engage in a sexual act, it was almost as if we were chosen from a giant crane of cells to become that human being.

Were we always whom we were, or were we thrown into a body, destined to go down a path?

I concluded after all my years on earth that we all had a purpose. One that we couldn't pass up, once we figured it out we had to do all we could to accomplish it. If we failed, then we threw everything off course and bad things happened to us. It sounded bizarre but that was what I believed.

How many times had someone lost their life for doing the wrong things in it?

The wrong place at the wrong time, so many strange occurrences happened; I believed it was for that reason.

All my life I wondered why I was who I was, how I belonged to my family. Nothing ever made any sense to me. I was Eve a girl from a basic family. No one knew what I did, but to everyone it was normal. I never felt I belonged; I always felt wrong, off, alone. Only Marcus pulled me from my shell, he brought me to life. He made me feel happy, so it was only obvious I would be screwed up when he died- even more.

Marcus put the seal on my thinking; I knew I wasn't here on earth to be miserable. I knew early in life how cruel life was, how fast death snatched things away from me. Sometimes I fell away from that when more misery came my way. But in the back of my mind, I knew.

It was all in my hands, my two insignificant hands. They could heal so much hurt; they took away pain, pain that no one should ever have to feel like I did. I was never one to care so much about others; sure, I had some sympathy in life for some. But I never saw myself as the hero, the one to make someone better. But now it was calling me, the need, the urge, the craving to mend all these torn and broken lives. I could give back what death took, it was my purpose. I was sure of it.

"What do I say to Evan?" I asked finally breaking from my racing thoughts. Kenny seemed to be in a thought of his own, he pulled off quickly on the side of the road, turning the headlights off, and there we were in the dark.

"I don't want you to say anything to him yet. I don't think it's something he would understand." Kenny said slowly, concentrating on me as he spoke.

"I can keep quiet, this means so much. I can feel it." I said with a smile.

The passing cars one by one quickly illuminated us.

"I can't begin to explain what this could mean, but I just want you to keep quiet about it. Eve I mean it, I know your thinking is a lot like mine. We have something here, this can fix so much." Kenny insisted taking my hand in his.

I stared down at my hands; they were like tools to me now.

"Evan should feel the same though." I said slowly starting to feel bad that he couldn't be in on the secret.

"Just trust me, Evan's old fashioned about a lot. What you can do, it's like playing god Eve." Kenny told me, I wasn't sure if I felt the same way on my ability.

"How do I know I can trust you Kenny?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't you be able to trust me?" Kenny asked shaking his head in confusion.

I thought back to Marcus in my dream, pushing him out of my head finally. It was just a silly dream. Marcus had been gone for a long time, he wouldn't just show up. Sometimes dreams were just dreams. Kenny was my friend, my rock.

"No, you're right I trust you Kenny." I said with a nod.

"I was talking with Seth; he agrees we could do a lot with your ability. We could do so much you don't even understand." Kenny said.

He was excited, more then I had ever seen him about anything in life. His eyes held a special glint whenever he talked about it.

"Fine, but on one condition Kenny, I want the whole truth on why this is so important to you. And if I feel you're being dishonest, well I'm just not going to help." I said crossing my arms.

I wasn't a fool; I remembered what Morgan had told me. Kenny was my friend but everyone was capable of deceit and greed when they wanted something bad enough.

"Some of the greatest Grims are the dead ones. If we bring them back, we have control over so much. Who wouldn't be loyal to someone who gave them their life back?" Kenny bit at his lip waiting for me to say something.

"What happens if they aren't loyal at all?" I questioned. To me we were going down an unknown road.

"Its full proof, you bring them back and they realize they know they need your help to bring someone they lost back, it's a win win." Kenny said with such confidence I bought it.

"I guess you're right, everyone has someone they want back." I said trying to process everything.

"Does this help us; can we use this to our advantage?" I asked.

If I was going to be so nice, I expected Kenny to use these people to make our lives easier. If we brought back old Grims, if they worked for us then we could all breathe easy, live life as close to normal as possible. That was all I wanted, I felt like I was the key to giving that to the ones I loved.

"Eve, you don't seem to understand what those two hands mean. You could have anything you wanted. You name it you got it." Kenny said grinning at me. He started the car up, tapping my leg with enough enthusiasm to fill the car. As creepy, as it was it was also a bit exciting.

And as we made our way home, I told myself it wasn't lying. That I wasn't lying to Evan about what I had done for Seth, I just was keeping him from the truth until we could show him it was the right thing to do. Kenny was right, Evan was old fashioned he wouldn't agree this was ok at all.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now