Letter 2

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There are so many times I just want to take it all back and find another way to make you happy. I feel like I screwed it all up, I had the most amazing person right in front of my face but I really just destroyed it all....What more can I say?

The feelings that run through my mind on a daily are hard to handle. If I did not believe that any day now I would hear that you were ok I probably would have ended my existence, no I am not trying to sound poetic I know you will never read this...simply because I won't ever let you. Remember the time you found my writing when you and I first met and you thought I was depressed? It makes me smile to think of you and your subtle attempt at healing me that is simply who you are...and I miss that more then you will ever understand.

Love, Evan

I sat in the hospital bed, arms crossed waiting for the doctor to stop looking me over and tell them that I was fine.

"Seems to me she is healthy, although I do not know much about her previous state of mind, according to you all she has suffered memory loss?" He asked looking at me over his glasses, He was old and frail. I wondered what made him hold out so long and not retire. Maybe some people did like their job.

I looked at Detective Johnny; he nodded seeming to fill right back up with excitement.

"Then I can go home?" I asked. I knew it would be better then all eyes on me, no matter where it was. Johnny nodded his head resting his arm on the tabletop.

"We have notified your father, he will be down here to get you." He said smiling.

"I don't mean to sound uh rude, but why does it seem you are so excited about this?" I asked. I really wanted to know, I'm sure being a detective he found people all the time.

Johnny seemed to think on it before he spoke.

"You don't know who you are and I get that, but you were part of something big. And they all thought you were dead, this is just mind blowing." He said sounding more like an adoring fan and less like a professional.

"Your right I don't know who I am, I just hope it turns out well for me. You're a detective I hope you would not send me into something awful; you wouldn't do that would you?" I asked. My heart picked up beats starting to pound in my chest.

"Do you really not remember anything?" He asked sitting down on the side of my bed looking at me all strange again.

"It's like I said several times now, I remember waking up with Gus and them. Besides that, I have no idea who I was. I just want to move on and get past this. I hope they are good people I should hope that right?" I asked looking at him.

He sighed furrowing his brow.

"Think of it as fresh and new, and concentrate on making the most of your life. You were supposed to be dead it's a miracle you're not and when life gives you a second chance you grab it." He said with a nod standing back up as the nurses came in.

"Thanks." I said letting the nurse take my vitals.

"My card, if you ever need to talk or if you remember anything." He said placing it on the table. The nurse slowly started to grin giving the detective a side glance. He left quickly leaving me to my thoughts; I wondered what my Dad was like.

"He's handsome, I think he likes you." She said jotting something down on her clipboard.

"Oh I don't know, I think he was being friendly." I said looking away.

"You're a beautiful girl he would be stupid not to. Are you ready to go home and see your family?"

"Possibly yes." I nodded.

I stood in the bathroom dressing myself. I suddenly heard voices realizing that my so called father had arrived to take me home. My heart skipped a beat, I swallowed hard sure I was going to be sick. I did not know if I could get myself to even open the door and look at him.

What was I so afraid of, would I remember him? Or would he simply be nothing that I expected?

I took a super long inhale letting it out as I gripped the door knob; I closed my eyes for a split second and finally pushed the door open. The tall man, with stubble on his face seemed to light up all the way down to his toes at the sight of me. He brought his hand to his mouth nearly collapsing with all his emotions; I hesitated in looking at his face. But I did because he was just so emotional; His eyes bright and full of tears and life, His hair holding on and barely any gray. He was rather handsome for whatever age he was. I could not see much resemblance in him and myself.

I made my way to him letting him look me over, standing still keeping my arms at my sides.

"I cannot believe it." He said finally speaking, his voice calm and soothing. I blinked nodding my head in just the slightest.

"That's what they're all saying, I wasn't aware I was such a news worthy story." I said.

"They were sure you fell off the cliff by the hospital and died, for you to be standing here it's a miracle. I hope you don't mind." He said looking to the door. I turned to follow his gaze as a younger guy walked in, buzzed hair big Cheshire like smile.

"Gray give her some space. This is your brother Gray." My Dad explained.

I nodded looking him over noticing the similarities he had to my Dad especially the eyes.

"Hi." I said feeling him grab me in a huge hug that nearly crushed my soul. I raised an eyebrow to my Dad feeling severely overwhelmed not hugging him back.

"I told you to stay safe." He said almost in tears, I tried to stay calm but was ready to explode from all the emotions in the room, not knowing how to connect with any of them.

Gray made me feel safe and loved I gave him that much but he was somewhat overbearing.

"Well I got all the paperwork, are we ready to get you out of here?" Dad asked gesturing me to the door. The nurse showed up with a wheelchair waiting for me to get in. I sighed sitting this hopefully would be my last stint in a hospital.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now