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I sat in yet another hospital bed practically ten minutes after I begged Evan to just hold me and let me sleep. He had of course refused not feeling all right with letting me be. I doubted the hospital would know anything that would make either one of us feel better.

I pulled the scratchy white hospital blanket up more letting it rest on my stomach trying to get warm. We were waiting on the doctor to come in and tell us if I was normal again.

Evan sat in the chair as close to me as possible alert and in an energetic mood.

"How do you feel now?" He asked in a whisper. I stared at him his hair messier then usual all over the place. He still looked amazing of course. It was late the whole world seemed asleep, and I didn't know how I felt, life found its way to put me in even more awkward situations.

"I'm alright; I'm really tired how about you?" I asked back trying to get the spotlight off of me. I knew I was relieved but a little disturbed having my memory back called for a lot of emotions to start taking over. Emotions I really did not want to feel. No matter how many times I damaged my brain the feelings that were going on inside me were not going to just fade away. It was still a crazy situation because there was no denying that I loved them both. I loved Evan and I loved Kenny, I wished more than anything that part would have been left behind.

Evan took my hand in his squeezing it lightly; I knew this was just as weird for him as it was for me. Now we could get back to everything that made us who we were. The good and the bad, Evan did not want to deal with the bad I knew this just by looking at him.

There was a quick tap on the door bringing Dr. Jonas into the room in a quick stride. He flashed his usual smile coming over to me and giving me a stare down. I stayed still uncomfortable at his silence.

"Long time." I said dryly.

Dr. Jonas exhaled opening up my chart. He stared down at all the words and diagnosis of me really taking his time. I was beginning to become nervous feeling as if I was about to be eliminated from a game show or something. Now I knew how those people felt, Evan's thumb grazed the top of my hand lightly. The ticking of the clock only rattled my nerves, I felt as if I could feel all my emotions trickling through my veins.

"Your scans seem to show just what I've thought; there is damage to the brain." Dr. Jonas said his hand meeting my shoulder. I gave him a quick look not totally understanding why the somber behavior I was feeling fine.

"Why such the dark mood?" I asked pulling back from him.

Evan cleared his throat. "She remembers everything, so what is it your saying?"

Dr. Jonas tapped his pen watching us both. I looked over at Evan who stared at Jonas waiting for an answer.

"Dissociative Amnesia is a kind of amnesia where the person can conjure up all sorts of memories it's never known how long they will last. I have seen cases where people have held on to their lives, but many times its only temporary." He explained.

I felt appalled who was he to say what was going on with me?

"What can we do to prevent that from happening, I have the money whatever she needs to help her heal faster." Evan said.

"The brain has had time to heal, it's not a matter of getting better it's almost like breaking a vase and gluing it back together, it may still look like a vase. It may still do everything a vase can do but it's always going to be damaged and fragile." Dr. Jonas said setting my chart down, he pulled his stethoscope from his neck coming toward me again.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now