Letter 12

35 1 0

Dear Eve,

This big house is so empty without your loud mouth; you always had something to say. Something to protest, even your laugh rang out in this big place. I don't even remember what it was like without you. It's no joke I really don't remember just being Evan.

Kenny came running over here this morning, he was dead set on convincing me you were up to no good.... He said there was a difference, and that something wasn't right with you.

For being two all knowing guys we really are morons. It doesn't matter to me, it never will.

Love Evan

I made my way through the grocery store, pushing my cart in a hurry. Lost in thought as I hurried to the checkout, nothing in life was simple when I had such a decision to make.

If Kenny kept up his nasty mood he was going to make the decision that much simpler.

"Hey!" Ari exclaimed nearly crashing into my shopping cart. She was all smiles; I raised an eyebrow surveying her stock pile of beer and wine.

"You don't eat solids anymore?" I asked confused.

"We are having a little party for my birthday." She said all smiles. I sighed knowing what was coming next.

"I didn't even know." I said playing it off that I had forgotten.

"Well it's at seven, and it wouldn't be the same without you." She said giving me a wave and a smile before heading off.

I weighed my options; I could sit alone for the night possibly going crazier. Or I could go enjoy the company; I nodded deciding I would just go and try to enjoy myself.

After heading home to throw my groceries in the house and throw on something more festive, which ended up being cute black gauchos and a cute t-shirt with butterflies. I felt it freed me; at least my shirt looked happy.

I sprayed my hair, giving myself one last look in the mirror at my makeup job.

As I made my way from the bathroom, my ears perked up at heavy footsteps. Panic-stricken I slowly made my way across my plush carpet, holding the wall trying to be discreet.

"Stunning." Gus' voice reverberated in my eardrums, making me shriek in terror.

His face seemed gratified at my reaction, I loathed him so much, even more each visit.

"I'm sure you will knock their socks off. What's the verdict, have we made up our mind yet Eve?" He asked in a low grunt.

I swallowed eyeing him delicately afraid to say the wrong thing, my mind coming to life, showing Gus snatching Evan and Kenny up in his grip like a vulture.

"I-I don't know yet. I have been thinking about it I swear." I said hesitantly.

Gus nodded his head, I questioned if it was because he understood or was fighting with the demons in his crazy mind.

"I'll be back, and the next time your mind better be made up or I'll show you the consequence." He said going around the corner and then he was gone, I hurried down the hall making sure looking in every closet and room for him.

"Shake it off, and just go have fun." I told myself heading out the door.

Pulling up to Evan and Kenny's although festive and full of life, I felt like my life was sucked out of me. I came to a stop still gripping my steering wheel overwhelmed with anxiety.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now