Letter 20

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I always knew there was something about her, this just proves it.


Marcus never got to celebrate his last birthday. He left us two weeks shy; I wondered if this mattered to him. My brother was always so humble, birthdays to him were not about presents they were about family and spending that day with the ones, you loved. Sometimes I wished I had just one more that I could have spent with him.

Floating through sleep I passed by all kinds of bizarre aspects of my life. Dreams to me were the body's way of letting go of pent up stress.

I could see myself in this dream, my hair perfectly smooth and resting on my shoulders. Each curl delicately gleaming with luster. My skin warm and glowing, dew covering all the ground around me, green frothy grass at my feet, with a worn cobblestone path leading me into the night.

I stared up at the full moon, its yellow glow bouncing off everything it touched. And there was a soft breeze. I felt at ease as I made my way down the winding path, nothing visible in front of me until it was passing by. Tree after tree lined the way, beautiful willows.

Finally, I called into the darkness to afraid of what was next. No sounds coming from anywhere, staring down at my hands my nails were red. Way more beautiful than I had ever kept them in real life. I admired the beautiful paint job as I came to a stop at the end of the trail. In an instant, everything filled with light blinding my senses.

I covered my eyes with my hands waiting for the shock to wear off.

"Eve?" A familiar voice called out. I could tell they were in close proximity of me. I slowly opened my eyes moving my hands away from my face.

"Marcus?" I asked completely happy to see him in front of me.

"Long time no see." He said.

He was wearing all white, white cargo pants with a white t-shirt, the only color in his tan sandals.

"What are you doing here?" I asked looking around, it was a large field with tall grass and yellow stalks of some peculiar plant.

"I had to talk to you." He said waiting for me to do something, being it was only a dream I knew I wasn't in control of much. I stiffened my body trying to keep myself where I stood, afraid the moment was going to be sucked away from me in an instant.

"Marcus what's wrong?" I asked.

"I don't want you to trust anyone Eve. They figured you out, they know who you are. And I'm worried for you." Marcus said repeatedly.

I covered my ears as his words radiated my eardrums, the light shocking my eyes and my ears aching with his words.

Falling to my knees I begged for Marcus to stop talking, I rocked back and forth hoping I would wake up. Screaming wildly I tried crawling through the grass to get away from his words. He slowly made his way through the field taunting me.

"I don't know who you are talking about!" I screamed.

Everything fell silent; I scrambled to my feet waiting for Marcus to speak.

"A choice has to be made, they know who you are. I died for you; I did this to keep others safe. I need you to do the right thing." Marcus said vanishing.

I woke myself up screaming like a crazy person, my throat sore. I must have been screaming for some time. Turning on the night light I expected to find Evan but he wasn't there.

My heart pounded in my chest, I clutched it trying to help it calm down.

"What is going on?" I asked out of breath, trying to make sense of what Marcus was trying to tell me.

"Hey hon." Evan said coming back into the room; he set the baby monitor on his nightstand getting back under the covers. I raised an eyebrow; he hadn't even heard my screams. I was sure they had woke me up.

"Evan." I said softly still sitting.

"Yeah?" He asked fluffing his pillow before he rested his head on it.

"You haven't said much since yesterday about what happened at Dad's with Kenny and my hands." I said cutting to the chase.

"I just got you home, Can it wait until tomorrow?" He asked short, reaching over me to shut my light off.

I sighed knowing my heart was going to only keep pounding until I got a sufficient answer.

"What am I?" I asked into the darkness, I laid down facing Evan. Waiting for an answer, I felt rather pathetic having to ask another person who I was. By now I felt like I should have figured that out, I was a grown woman. Maybe still young but I had been around enough.

Evan turned over face to face with me, he stroked my hair. His breath on my face, I admired how much patience he always had with me.

"A long time ago before even your great grandparents were born, Grim reapers did not walk the earth. No one knew of them, it was unheard of." Evan explained.

"Then how did it evolve into what it is today?" I asked.

"I don't know the specifics; it was something we were always told as kids. Carlo would spout off about it at night before bed when we were little; as we grew older he got more detailed."

"Ok so how does that have to do with me Evan?" I asked. I wasn't trying to push but his delay was making me uncomfortable.

"When the life of a Grim seemed to grow so bountiful, there weren't a lot of people to I guess you could say do the job. That's when they got creative, that's why there are so many types." Evan said really into his explanation.

"Alright, so you're telling me taking lives or souls became a sport of sorts, it was a successful business and they found a way to make more of you guys?" I said trying to piece his words together.

"Yes, and in reproducing something there is always a chance for failure. And there are some that don't turn out the way they want." Evan sighed. "What I'm saying is, in the middle of all these creations it was discovered there were others around that held the abilities to fight back, to heal to stop us from doing what we wanted to do."

I sat up a little startled, was he saying what I thought he was?

"What are you trying to say?" I asked swallowing hard, my mouth dry, my whole body shaking.

"I'm saying that you did something that I haven't seen done ever in my life. Maybe Carlo's but never ours." Evan sat up as well, he put his arm around me waiting for me to freak out I thought.

"But I'm not a Grim Reaper." I said staring at the floor astonished.

"No, you're not." Evan said letting out an odd laugh.

"Is that even possible?"

I tossed around the idea that I could be healing, or a healer. But that was the end of what I understood. I was a simple girl born from simple parents, how would that even happen?

It made no sense to me.

"I guess there are worse things to be." I muttered turning over, I suddenly was overwhelmed with Marcus, and his words. They knew who I was, I never could imagine they meaning Evan. Kenny on his bad days sure, but Evan I couldn't convince myself to ever believe he could not be trusted. We had been through it all; I squeezed my eyes shut tighter afraid to sleep, but afraid to stay awake. Evan's hand wrapped around my body pulling me closer, I nearly cried I never wanted to doubt him, but Marcus hadn't showed up in years.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now