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          I didn't know what to expect, some things you never seen coming. And this was one of them. Never in my life did I think any of us would have to deal with something as crazy as Grim Reapers living amongst us. I learned to get used to it. Would the whole world?

I knew it was a tactic; it was Evan and Kenny's way of bargaining with Gus. I just didn't know what it meant, how this would impact all of us. Gus was not someone you wanted any part of, so how could any of it turn out right?

I covered Oliver with a blanket, taking the baby monitor downstairs with me. He was finally taking a nap, and I wanted to make sure Ari wasn't freaking out alone. As I made it down the stairs, I heard the guy's voices.

"Where is everyone at?" Kenny called out rather chipper.

Ari popped out from the living room flying to him like a bolt of lightning. I knew she didn't have a clue what to say, but that she was ready to hear whatever he had to say.

Evan looked at me; it was obvious he was trying to read my expression. Which I was sure was blank and dumbfounded.

"I take it you guys saw the news?" Kenny said being the first to speak.

"What the hell is going on?" Ari asked looking at both of them

"We are celebrities it seems, strange huh?" Kenny said with a laugh. He plopped down on the couch.

"What the hell is going on!" Ari shouted at him again.

Kenny sighed sprawling out on the sofa.

"Wasn't this what you always wanted, ever since she was a kid she wanted to be famous? Now that she is she is freaking out." He said avoiding the question and laying on the jokes.

"We have agreed to work with Gus; this obviously was part of the plan. Gus agreed to leave everyone alone if we got on his side." Evan said avoiding my glare.

I blinked trying to wake from this dream that I felt like I was in.

"How is that even possible?" I asked. "And why would you go on television and let the world know who you guys are?"

Kenny and Evan were quiet, I sighed knowing they weren't happy about it either. The phone kept ringing in the background, we all sat silent not bothering to answer it.

As I gathered the nerve to say anymore the doorbell rang a half a dozen times, I watched Kenny leave to answer. We all stood silent listening to the screaming coming from the hallway.

"Shit, I take it Mark didn't know about this?" Ari asked jumping up, she ran quickly out of the room, followed by Evan and me.

Mark was red, his veins bulging from his neck he had Kenny up against the wall. His hand wrapped up in Kenny's expensive t-shirt.

"Calm down!" Evan scolded Mark.

"You want me to calm down; you guys have lost your minds. The news, you thought it was ok to tell the news?!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. Kenny pushed Mark off of him getting loose; he went to the stairs taking a seat out of breath.

"This is what needed to be done; now we won't have any problems with Gus anymore, or any of the others." Evan insisted.

Mark let out a chuckle; of course, he wasn't amused.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now