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Coming inside my nerves were getting the best of me.

"Be careful." Kenny griped as I tripped going up the steps into the house. He held tight to my elbow, keeping my face from meeting the concrete.

"Thanks." I said low, opening the door to a running baby with only a diaper on. I smiled knowing he must have just got a bath. His delicate curls were nothing more than long wet hair stuck to the nape of his neck now.

Oliver squealed high tailing it for the kitchen as Evan raced past us to get to him, towel in hand.

"Oliver, you need to dry your hair." He called out going the opposite direction around the island countertop.

Those were the moments he made me realize how much I loved him, his laidback goofy side.

"Hey there." I said as Evan got a hold of Oliver.

"Hey babe." Evan said kissing my cheek and running his damp hand through my hair.

I poked at Oliver's round belly as he smiled his angelic smile at me.

"Oh check this out." Evan said.

Kenny closed the refrigerator coming to stand with us, anything to do with Oliver he was willing to stick around to see.

"Oliver who is this?" Evan said pointing a big finger at me. I raised an eyebrow looking at them both, Evan's face holding a smile.

Oliver smacked him in the arm, a rather baby thing to do I thought.

"Mama." Oliver said softly, in the cutest voice I had ever heard.

Evan tossed him in the air, celebrating with him.

"Wow that's amazing." Kenny said giving Oliver a baby high five.

Evan and Kenny looked at me, I swallowed hard. I was afraid to admit I was ready to cry, because of the amount of pride I felt at that moment.

"Good job, Oli!" I squealed kissing his face completely thrilled.

"Ok say goodnight mama, it's time for bed." Evan told him giving me another kiss, he made it upstairs.

"Crazy how something so little can be that amazing." Kenny said staring off.

"I say it every day." I said with a nod, heading into the living room.

"Well I'm beat, goodnight Eve." Kenny said going up the stairs to bed.

I pulled off my heels, rubbing at my feet before I covered them with my favorite green throw.

"So how was it?" Evan asked plopping down next to me.

I froze cursing myself for not asking Kenny what the reason was we were together all day.

"It was fine." I said. I hoped fine suited whatever it was we were supposedly doing.

Evan eyed me carefully; he pulled my feet onto his lap running his hands from my knees to my ankles.

"Are you tired?" He asked.

"No not really, almost wide awake actually."

"Weird when I work out or do runs like that I'm beat. What are you the energizer bunny?" He asked grinning, his hands tending to my feet.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now