Letter 11

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Welcome home, I say this with very much sarcasm. I cannot get past the idea you want to figure it all out. Why would you need to unless you really have lost your feelings for me? To think of Kenny having any shot at being with you, that to me is ridiculous. I know you well I think you are simply fighting against everything that has happened; I think you are afraid that it all might end so you want to pull away. Even if tomorrow you weren't yourself, again I still would want you. Can you say that about Kenny? Kenny wants you back to normal, he would do nothing more then drop you every time you forgot because it would be easier for him then to try and love you over and over again. Kenny would never want to make you love him more than once. Kenny makes me sick, I make me sick this whole thing is sickening. I made a decision, a stupid decision all because I wanted to keep you safe. I did not want those crazy Grims doing anything to you to get back at me. To me breaking the connection we had was what seemed right, and I really believed you would never really lose the feelings you had for me. But now I wonder if letting you connect with Kenny is going to be the end of us. I really hope not, I will always do all I can to be with you, unless of course you tell me otherwise.

Love, Evan

It was nearing the afternoon; I finished boxing up the last of my things. Today was the day I was moving into the condominium Evan had bought me. It took three days for him to secure just the right one. In those days, I got some time with Oliver, which made me feel a little better about having him be a part of my life.

Kenny was not around, I knew in the back of my mind it was because Evan warned him to stay away.

I taped the last of the boxes up shoving them along the wall for the movers. I nearly had backed out of moving out on my own but something deep inside told me to do it.

I had my memory still intact, everyday it got easier to get through with the hope it would last.

"Will you take him for a second so I can tell them where to bring your stuff?" Evan asked handing Oliver off to me. He hurried up the stairs past me; his mood was rather somber today.

I headed down the stairs with Oliver wondering if he would ever really be alright with my choice. Oliver started crying it was obvious he liked Evan more than me. I bounced him up and down as Evan always did getting him to quiet some.

"Where did your Dad put your bottle?" I asked him. He gave an oblivious look as I made my way to the kitchen to make him a new one.

"Soon enough you can come visit your Mommy at her place." I told him taking a long sip of orange juice, I had figured out how to juggle a baby and still get things done rather easily.

"Ok well there ready to head out, so you can hang out here for a bit while they get it all unpacked or go oversee it whatever." He said.

He put his arms out for the baby, barely even looking at me which made my stomach sick.

"You don't have to take him; I don't mind holding him for a little while." I said. Evan dropped his arms going to the refrigerator and pulling out baby food.

"He needs to eat, you want to do that or should I?" He asked. The tone in his voice was one of impatience with me. I handed him Oliver heading out of the room. Sometimes he could just be so cruel when he was trying to protect his feelings.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now