Letter 4

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Today was probably one of the most important days and unforgettable. I was able to lay eyes on you. We brought you your car and there you were, more amazing then ever I might add. I literally wanted to punch Kenny in the face and beat him to death when he was all "Kenny" like with you. But I know that what I want and what is in your best interest are two different things.

You saw Oliver and seemed to really take a liking to him, well you should he is your son after all. I wish you could know that and be a part of our lives. Maybe soon enough that will be true. But until then I say to everyone game on and I will do everything in my power to win you over. If I did it once I am damn sure, I can do it again, although you seemed to try and make a fool of me at dinner. I won't hold it against you but I know you're in there somewhere.

I cannot stop thinking about you your all that is running through my mind, as I sit and feed Oliver I have the biggest smile on my face. I wonder how easy it is to get a girl to fall for you when she thinks you're a single dad, ha!

Love Evan

The morning light poured through the window of my bedroom at my Dad's house. I pulled myself out of bed the house completely silent and calming. If there was anything, I expected from all that was happening it was not such a pleasant atmosphere.

I threw on my slippers heading down the stairs snagging up the paper that was on the banister. I headed to the kitchen pouring a cup of coffee and going out onto the porch.

The air was warm the sun beaming onto me in all its glory, the day was perfect in so many ways. I sighed leaning back in the chair not knowing what to do with all the happiness that seemed to be exuding from inside me.

I was home and I was happy, these people were not in the least awful. They were more than I ever expected, they welcomed me and continued to love me even if I was partially missing. That showed a lot of strength to be able to do something like that I thought.

I was over being irritated at Gray's friends and there weird lives that seemed to really cast a shadow on how gorgeous they both were. Kenny was in a relationship with an overly touchy tinker toy, I laughed to myself at the silly comparison to Ari. And Evan was a single father, what did that really say about him?

To me it said there were major issues with him as a person if he could not hold onto the mother of his child. I mean a girl willing to leave her kid to get away that was rather atrocious. I suddenly felt bad wondering if maybe, I was totally wrong and she had died. I hoped for her death to show me that he was not as awful as he looked from the outside.

"Good morning." Dad called coming out on the porch with a tray of bagels and two glasses of orange juice.

"Morning to you." I said smiling at him. I knew I liked him, I was sure I had before this too. He seemed like everything I could have wanted in a Dad. He made me feel loved and adored something that any Dad should learn how to provide for their kid.

"How was your first night at your old Dads?" He asked handing me a bagel. He sat down in the chair next to me taking one and setting the tray down on the table.

"Wonderful, your house is so relaxing I woke up a whole new person."

"How was the drive with Gray and the boys?" He asked studying my face.

"Fine, I don't know Kenny was so flirty and Evan seems like he is depressed most of the times. But all in all, I suppose they are nice guys. Good friends to Gray that's nice right?"

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now