The answer

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"Thank you; I don't know what else I can say." Carmen choked up. Her grip tight on my arm as well as Carter, She was beyond amazed, what had occurred was truly magical for anyone who witnessed it with his or her own eyes.

"I was glad to help." I said again.

Kenny's whole family stood around me gawking, they couldn't believe their eyes. I was starting to feel a bit freakish.

"You are a real life miracle worker honey." Hazel told me kissing my cheek for the third time. I smile giving her a nod, searching for Kenny.

"From the bottom of our hearts we all thank you so much." Truly said taking my hand, he kept nodding his head the smile on his face showing how blown away he was.

Kenny came to a stand next to Truly, he sized up the situation knowing by the looks of it I was ready to go.

"I need to get her home, I really am glad we could help. And I promise you all I will come around more." He said kissing Hazel and Carmen on the tops of their heads.

He turned quickly to Truly giving him a warm embrace, his tall frame towering over Truly.

Elliot and Carter both gave Kenny stylish handshakes, everyone all smiles as they watched us head out of the funeral home.

"Wow, just think about what just happened. They were there to bury Carter. Now what was the-"

"What was the worst day of their life is now the best day?" I asked cutting Kenny of midsentence.

"Exactly, that's pretty amazing." He chimed in grinning just a little.

And it was, my body was running off of pure adrenaline. For once in a long time or maybe ever I could say I felt happy, and satisfied with a choice that I made. It was a great feeling, one I would never forget.

"I promised I'd take you home, you ready?" Kenny asked.

I stopped walking as we neared the car.

"No, I don't want to go home." I replied crossing my arms.

Kenny stood confused fiddling with his keys.

"What do you want to do then, go to your Dad's?" He asked.

"We just did the most amazing thing ever. I think we should be celebrating, don't you?" I asked him hoping he wouldn't shoot the happiness that was all around us.

"Sounds good to me." He agreed getting in the car.

As Kenny sped down the road, I wasn't sure what celebrating entailed. It had been a long time since I did anything close to celebrating. A child's birthday didn't cut it.

"I really don't know what we should do. I know I'm lame." I confessed turning away, for some reason I felt a bit embarrassed.

"I have an idea." Kenny assured me slapping me in the arm playfully, trying to ease my mood.

"They were really nice people; I just wonder why you never told me about them." I said turning back to Kenny.

"Their part of the past, some parts of my life I had to leave behind. Some things just don't make it to the new life." He explained dropping one hand to his leg as he drove. For once, he seemed at ease to discuss his life with me.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now