Answer me

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I woke up pulling at the covers, a bit out of it. My head pounded from the several bottles of wine Kenny and I consumed the night before. At least we were in a luxury hotel room I thought, running my hands over the lush down comforter.

I yawned giving a good stretch, pushing the button on the remote to open the blinds. We were on the top floor of the hotel, in a horribly expensive suite.

"Hey it's still early." Kenny grumbled from beneath the sheets. He was next to me and naked and I wasn't at all upset by it.

The night before ended up being a night I might have once regretted, but I only blamed the alcohol and happiness for allowing me to do what I wanted to do. I was done thinking so hard on decisions, if it felt right I was going to go for it. I was done taking orders on my feelings; they were my feelings after all.

I stood up in Kenny's t-shirt staring around the room for my clothes.

"I want to see Oliver today; you can come with me if you like. Or I can come back after I am done." I offered picking up my jeans.

Kenny sat up in bed looking a bit disturbed.

"I'll stay and sleep, if you need me call my cell." He said plopping back down on the pillows.

"Ok, wish me luck." I said putting on my shoes.

Kenny sat back up again, giving me another bothered look.

"Why would you need luck if you're just going to see Oliver?" He asked. "Are you hoping he forgives you?"

I hesitated taking a seat at the table.

"I wasn't even thinking about his forgiveness, I just want to see my son. I hope we can be civil, I don't really care what happens." I explained unsure if that was true.

"Are you sure about that?" Kenny asked giving me a probing glare.

"Yes Kenny I am, since when are you so insecure?!" I yelled slamming the keys back down on the table.

"Since I sat here last night telling you how much I loved you, and that I wanted to be with you. And I thought you felt the same, but now I am starting to wonder." He griped getting out of bed.

"What I said at dinner was the truth, and I shouldn't have had to say that last night for you to know that it was true. You should have already known that." I said crossing my arms.

"I just get the feeling you're going to make the wrong decision because you're going to let him guilt you." He said putting his leg into his pants.

I wasn't even sure of my choices, how would I know what decision to make?

I just knew what made me happy.

"Yeah because everything is so cut and dry, Kenny and Eve live happily ever after right?" I asked.

Kenny shook his head letting out a sigh; he walked past me looking irritated.

"If I had it my way that would definitely be what happened." He insisted snagging up his keys.

"Well you fail to think about all parties involved. What about Ari?" I asked. "What about Evan, what about Oliver?"

My heart sunk at the last part. I never wanted to harm Oliver in anyway; I always vowed to do what was best for him.

"You're a big girl, why do I need to justify what you should do. Go let Evan do that for you. I'll drop you off at home and I am going to see Carter. When you make your mind up I'll be back here waiting for an answer." He said heading out of the hotel room.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now