Letter 8

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What do you expect from me? I hate going from one to a thousand with you so quickly. One minute I think I know how it's going to turn out, the next, you're making a mad dash in the other direction. It's like catching a wild animal, you know even if you do there still going to try their best to escape again eventually. I just want the normal Eve back, I could put up with your moods if you just remembered who I was, I want to help you but I don't want to hurt you. And I know the truth is uglier then you expect, the truth is not fair to you. Sure if you remember it on your own then there's nothing we can do but let you, but I'll be honest part of me doesn't want you to remember it all because it makes me look bad. I wasn't there for you when all this happened. I took off leaving you all alone with Kenny, I pushed you to him. I don't know why I thought this would help you out look at where we are now.

Even knowing you want me still leaves me feeling bad because you really don't know what you want at all. I want you to figure that out first without any help from us.

I just wish you and Kenny could steer clear from each other, Kenny wants nothing more than to be with you. I handed him the opportunity, so how angry can I really be with him? I can't blame him either but you and I were more than he ever knew, we always will be more then what he can be to you. The two of us provide you with different types of love, to me mine is the healthier of the two and the best for you.

Kenny's love can be selfish and hurtful but I know he loves you more then he loved anything ever in his life. But Kenny's love for you and Kenny himself are two different things, I on the other hand can bring it all together to make it work.

Nothing feels right now just really messed up looks like I must go back to the drawing board. I don't want to be a horrible person but times like this sure call for it....

Love Evan

Kenny pulled up to my Dad's place throwing the car into park. He undid his seatbelt looking at me, no words escaping his lips.

"Well thanks for the ride." I said unbuckling myself.

"Gray and your Dad are still visiting with your Mom right?" He asked giving me an evil grin.

I smoothed my hair looking up at the house.

"Yeah seems that way."

"I can hang out with you for a while if you want." He offered trying to act as if he meant nothing by it.

"Are we going to talk?" I asked. "You're going to tell me about me?"

I knew he was my one shot.

Kenny sighed leaning back in his seat, he studied his hands closely. It was obvious he was weighing his options.

"They don't want to tell you because your life was a crazy one, messed up real bad." He said.

I looked at him nodding for him to go on.

"Everyone thinks its better you're kept from your past, unless of course you remember it on your own." He said.

"How bad could it be, you all seem rather normal." I said looking him over.

"It can be pretty bad, and there is nothing about it that is normal."

"Is anything really normal, I assume everyone's life has chaos?" I said back staring out the window.

"What happened to you when you were with them?" Kenny asked touching my arm.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now