Letter 3

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News broke rather quickly that you were alive! I have to say I never believed you were dead. Even though that is the case, it's not exactly the happy news we all hoped it would be... Something is wrong with your head they told us you're not the same person you were before you left, they said damage to your head caused memory loss. No one can say if its permanent, or maybe not that at all maybe shock some say. We are all hoping on shock and trauma its very strange to hope for something such as that but it's all I can do to keep from losing it, I want to see you and hold you, tell you how much I missed you but that is not something you tell to someone who hasn't the slightest idea who you are. Everyone has agreed to not tell you anything about your life other then the basics, with all the circumstances before you went missing it's better to let you figure it all out on your own, any human would certainly be even more troubled if they were given back the life that you once had. So we are all packing it all away the old, and starting new. I am holding out faith that you still remember what we had; you told me once that all it would take is my touch to bring you back. But I cannot be selfish and damage you further, so I will sit back and hope that our love meant enough to pull us through anything.

Love Evan

The ride home was long and grueling, between the awkward silences and Gray constantly telling me about his life. Dad talked with me about the news, I got the feeling he was trying his best to keep me calm.

"So we will be taking you to my house to stay for awhile." Dad said. I nodded staring out the window at the passing houses in his neighborhood.

"Uh Dad." Gray said rather nervously. I looked back at him he tried to smile and act as if he was fine.

"Gray?" Dad said backing into the driveway.

"Can I talk to you?" Gray asked hopping out of the car. Dad handed me the keys giving me a smile. I sighed walking up to his home, a tan brick house with a large staircase to a red door. I tried my hardest to pull some sort of memory from my mind ending up with nothing.

Unlocking the door I came in staring around at the empty walls of the living room, no photos some nice sleek furniture, and an overstuffed recliner.

I sat down in the recliner leaning it back and closing my eyes, whatever it was they were talking about I was sure it was top secret. I blew my hair from my face realizing how much I hated it, I knew the first thing on my list was to chop it off or have someone with some knowledge cut it into something manageable.

Dad and Gray came inside looking pleased and less on edge now that they conversed without me hearing. I sat up in the chair to look less tired to them. Gray keeping his eyes on me as we all stared in different directions trying not to seem awkward and nervous.

"Do I have a car?" I spoke up.

Gray and Dad studied me closely, as if they were trying to size me up and see if I was capable of driving a vehicle.

"Hey I may have lost my memory of all of you guys, but I certainly know how to drive a car." I said.

Gray coughed squirming in his skin; I raised an eyebrow waiting for someone to gain the nerve to be honest with me.

"Uh they're bringing your car over." He said looking away from me.

"Who are they?" I asked. I was quite interested in the people around me; they all were so odd in their own way. It was as if they knew something so good but they could not tell me.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now