Letter 21

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I almost feel as if things could get back on track, that we can be normal.


My mom never shared her life with me; I never knew how it was for her growing up. I promised I would always let Oliver in on mine, show him that even his parents had troubled times, and always show him how we overcame them, and did the right thing.

But now was not the time, as I stared at the side of Kenny's head I asked myself if I was crazy for being near any of them. There wasn't much I could do about it as we drove across town, I already knew Evan would never let me leave the house alone, staying at the house he wouldn't allow much anymore either. Unless I was with someone, the world had gotten so much crazier. They hated us, all of us and you never knew what would happen next, people that were willing to beat Kenny to death there was no telling.

"Why are you so quiet?" Kenny asked me turning his head away from the road.

"Just thinking." I said staring out the window as I had been for pretty much the whole drive.

"Your letting what happened at your dad's consume you." He tossed out thinking he knew anything about what was on my mind.

"It's more complicated than that, but sure that's a part of it." I said with a sigh.

"Do you care to tell me what the other part is?"

"Not really." I said not giving in; I didn't care to speak about it. "So what are we doing anyways?"

Kenny seemed to perk up at my question.

"We are going to meet with some associates; I got some offers to make. See if they want to join in on our side." Kenny explained putting the car in park.

I stared out my window; the sun suddenly was hidden behind a heap of gray clouds. Rather morbid and fitting for such a crummy neighborhood we were parked in.

"What is this place?" I asked looking to Kenny for a promise we were not about to be mugged.

"Relax; I just need to round up some good candidates." Kenny said getting out of the car.

I hurried along following him, I knew I wasn't willing to sit and wait. My foot collided with an empty beer can and crunched down on a pile of glass. I gasped at the disgusting conditions of the facility. Grabbing Kenny's bicep to stay on my feet, afraid if I fell, I would be impaled with something rusty and disease ridden.

"I don't even want to think about the kind of people that are in these buildings." I said under my breath, Kenny yanked open a large metal door. He allowed me to head in first; I slowly made it to the top of the building looking around at the dimly lit room. Several men and woman huddled in various corners, a large trashcan burning in the middle, probably for heat.

"Kenny you got to be kidding me." I said not letting him go. Staring at the people huddled around us, I was certain they were using drugs. I hadn't seen drug use live and in person but to me it was just that.

"Sometimes these are the best kinds." Kenny said back to me.

"Tell me again what the hell is going on." I demanded refusing to go any further.

A younger guy jumped up from one of the groups, he wasn't as filthy as some of them were. He immediately welcomed Kenny, giving me an eye.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now