Letter 15

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I'm on a level of patience that not many will ever see in their lifetime. I've seen a lot of messed up things, I've been a lot of places, sometimes it's hard for me to know how another person really feels, and how to relate to their emotions, to me they are insignificant. There is no need for them, everything happens anyways.


I always asked myself how anyone stays sane with all the messed up things in the world. How can anyone live a happy life when they know what waits for them at the end of it?

Happiness to me was only temporary, because I feared death. Death loomed my whole life, I felt like it took on a life of its own. I felt that death watched me as I slept, that it wouldn't let me breathe. And the times when I was happy, secretly death was stomping its dirty feet over my happiness.

It's hard to be happy when your brain never shuts down- never lets up.

Springtime was my favorite time; everything was given a new chance at life. The outside went from dull and dead to green and lush. Trees that once depressed me outside my window looked alive again. My worries seem to dull, my heart seemed a little less heavy. That was until that morning, I had awakened with a new found hope. Where it came from, I was not sure. I dressed, I did my hair and I was even going to make breakfast for everyone in the house. That was until I saw the one person who could crumble it all in a matter of seconds.

"Good morning." Gus said at my kitchen table, he raised his coffee cup. Trying to act human or whatever it was he was calling it.

Kenny and Evan sat with him; this was becoming almost too normal anymore. And I was not happy at all.

"Why is he here?" I asked immediately feeling doomed. I searched the cupboards for pots and pans, determined to get breakfast underway.

"Business." Kenny said trying to placate me.

"Don't you all have an office or some abandoned factory you could meet at?" I snapped slamming the cupboard.

Evan raised his head giving me a look.

"There are news crews all around town." He tried explaining.

"And why is it no one has arrested this guy and put us all out of our misery?" I snapped again slamming the pan on the counter. My nerves were shot; I knew breakfast wasn't an option anymore.

Gus stood his giant body quick and stealth like as he made his way to the coffee pot.

"This meeting, it's very important. Maybe next time your husband will let you join and have a listen." He said bringing his coffee to his lips as he watched me.

"I want nothing to do with what you have going on with them. And I really wish you would stay away from my home. I liked you better when you were waiting for me to kill one of them." I said with anger.

"Now now Eve, we all know you would never want to choose between the two." Gus said grinning.

I swallowed knowing he was right, and as much as it sucked, I was lucky to have got off so easy.

"When can I have an explanation?" I asked finally. I knew there were some things I would have to just grit my teeth and go along with.

Gus seemed happy that I was calming down, he took his seat at the table, watching Kenny and Evan as they kept their eyes glued on my every move.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now