Letter 14

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Truly, some things in life are never what we want- we learn to accept that.



Life is funny, the things that dawn on you that you never even imagined. How they creep up so quickly, parts of my life I never imagined. There were things that happened I swore I would never let happen, and there were special times that I longed for again.

The thing about life, it did not turn out as you thought it would. But you always had a great story to recall, a moment to mull over on days you were blue. Life was magic, no matter what the outcome you were left awestruck, with stars in your eyes.

I kneeled down holding Oliver's tiny hands as Evan called him, trying to get him to take his first steps. Our baby was ready to take the leap into the next part of life, the part when a person was more than just waiting for help. He was soon going to have the world a little closer to his grasp, with something as simple as footsteps.

"Let him go." Evan said at the same time the look on his face held angst. I could tell he was afraid Oliver would face plant; it amused me for him to be the careful one. The one worried about the little guys every move, not wanting one bruise or cut to ever bestow his perfect body.

"Are you sure you're not going to pop an artery?" I teased moving away from Oliver, Evan ignored me watching Oliver wobble but hold his ground. He squealed a high pitched squeal sending Ari and Kenny into the room. Kenny kneeled down next to Evan a slightly serious look on his face. I watched as both these manly men were astonished at each step he took, both of their faces lighting up with elation as Oliver made his way to them. Ari jumped up and down clapping her hands as he walked rather perfect, as if it wasn't even a challenge for him. I smiled letting out a laugh- I didn't expect him to fail.

Evan snatched Oliver up squeezing the life out of him; Kenny patted his tiny back trying to act as if he wasn't excited about him walking.

"It's ok to be happy." I said in his ear standing next to Kenny, we both watched Evan celebrating with Oliver.

"Shut up, I was just trying to see what all the commotion was out here. I thought you two were poking him or something." He said looking away from me.

"You love it; maybe you should have a baby." I teased.

"With you or Ari?" Kenny threw back to me a satisfied grin on his face.

I shrugged it off coming to stand next to Evan taking Oliver to give him kisses for a job well done. Kenny watching us intently, I wondered why I felt a tiny bit of feelings for his stupid comment. Kenny and kids were like oil and water.

The doorbell rang bringing us all out of our cheery mood; Ari was the first to answer it. I figured she was trying to keep all the fighting to a minimum. The last time one of them answered it was Mark wanting to shed blood. Mark hadn't talked to us in days, and we all stayed hidden in our house. Us girls waiting to hear what the deal was with Gus, Kenny nor Evan would explain. And I wasn't willing to pry; I wanted to stay far away from any answer that had to do with Gus.

Ari came walking back into the living room with Gray, my heart sink, my stomach felt ill. I knew he was here because of the news, I only wondered why he had waited so long.

"What, no one answers the phone in this house anymore?" He asked looking around to each of us. No one willing to say anything about it to him, we all hoped secretly he had no clue.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now