Letter 1

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Dear Eve,

I decided on writing as a means to keep from going nuts. It's pathetic after all we have been through to think I lost you. I still cannot wrap my brain around you not being here with me, with us. I don't know what to do; I watch the news constantly. But there theory and mine are way too different to take anything they have to say seriously. I am not going to give up on you, none of us will. I go by and see your family every week. Sometimes your Dad stops by to say hello and they're feeding me, all of them it's driving me crazy......

Love Evan

There was a loud tapping on my bedroom door, followed by the sound of it being unlocked. Gus and Ct came barging in my room. I sat up half asleep looking at the two of them. I knew today was a new day and that could mean a lot of different things. And I was curious to find out about what Ct had said. Would they really let me go?

"I want you to put this on and gather your things." He said tossing a bag at me. I jumped as it hit me and fell on the floor.

"Once your dressed let me know." He said giving a small nod and the two of them headed back out of the room.

I grabbed the bag opening it up to a pair of jeans and a little pink tank top, wherever I was going was not fancy I thought to myself slipping out of my night gown.

I did my best at taming the wild mess that was my hair, staring at myself in the mirror.

"I suppose some might say you were rather attractive." I said raising an eyebrow. Maybe a little makeup and a good scrub would make what I saw all that more beautiful.

I banged on the door sitting on the bed, waiting yet again for the brutes to come back in.

"Here put these back on, and let's get going." Gus said handing me an envelope; I peered inside nearly gasping at the large pink diamond ring, and the beautiful wedding band. I could not believe this was something of mine it was extremely rare and beautiful it had to be, at least I thought. I rifled through the envelope finding a necklace with another large diamond on it.

"Is it important that I wear these?" I asked feeling a little silly wearing something I had no memory of ever owning. By the looks of them, I knew the answer; I fumbled for a few moments and finally was dripping with jewelry.

"Alright then, let's go." Gus said. I stood up waiting for him to grab my arm as he always did. And he didn't he just motioned me out the door. Naomi was waiting on the steps she too seemed to not really care about my containment. She chucked a long skinny cigarette across the lawn hopping into the car.

We started moving everyone rather silent; I wondered what all this meant for me. If they were letting me go where exactly, would I be going?

It was a hard thought process to try and be happy about freedom when your mind felt trapped. Even if these people kept me for their own intention, I was unaware of them. I had no reason to think one way or another about them. I had nothing to believe in, no one to be excited to see. I stared down at my hand realizing that if they did let me go I had someone to claim me. Was I even ready for that?

How do you try and care about someone when you can't remember a single thing about him or her?

I wondered if my husband was cute, what he did for a living, what kind of person he was. What was it that attracted me to him in the first place? Or maybe I wasn't married at all, maybe it was a silly mistake and he no longer was even around anymore- I did not know.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now