Letter 13

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So the truth has come out. It was Gus all along doing his usual. Kenny and I suspected that this was the case. The best way for Gus to take control of more, is to bring us to our knees. It's clever actually, but I've told you many times that I would never let anything happen to our family. Gus is in for the fight of his life. As long as I have you to weather the storm with, I will risk everything to keep the one person I love the most. I just hope you can handle all that is about to happen.



The lighting struck, looking like it was right outside the window. It was very relaxing to me. I gripped my pillow resting comfortably, watching nature battle it out as the thunder sounded in the distance, showing how close the storm was to us. The slow pitter patter of the rain tapped on the doors of our bedroom balcony. It was nearing morning, and I was happy to be lying in bed with Evan. At the house was the only place I wanted to be, I felt safe.

Another huge streak of lightning flashed filling the room with light. I turned over smiling at Evan who was awake also. He looked rather dapper, his hair messy like usual, everything that made him who he was.

"Good morning." He said smiling.

"Good morning." I said back accepting his long kiss, my stomach doing back flips, completely intoxicated by him.

We started getting hot and heavy, the thunder and lightning going haywire.

Suddenly Oliver's crying lit up the baby monitor breaking us apart. Evan jumped from the bed instinctually, heading out in just his boxers.

"The joy of parenthood." I said to myself sitting up in bed, Evan came back with Oliver in tow. Setting him down on the bed, the cute green eyed boy sat quite still staring at me with big eyes. As if, I was some sort of alien in his home.

"Why is he looking at me like that?" I asked Evan who was busy getting comfortable back under the covers.

"Looking at you like what?" He asked not catching on to Oliver's stare down.

"He's staring at me like I'm a freak of nature." I said getting a little disturbed.

"Oliver stop looking at your Mother that way." Evan said laughing loudly.

I rolled my eyes not amused with his jokes.

"I'm a stranger to him, and now he thinks I'm some sort of freak." I breathed turning away from my adorable son.

Evan sat up in bed sighing, he grabbed my arm forcing me to face Oliver again.

"He's a baby; he knows you're his Mommy. I talk about you with him all the time. If you're so worried about it spend more time with him, he's rather cool." Evan said pulling Oliver into his lap; he smoothed his hair placing a kiss on the top of his head. Oliver giggled like one of the babies on television. It was cute and made me determined to get to know my son more.

"He's probably the cutest baby I ever seen; I love his curly hair and his green eyes. Which I thought would be blue; everyone's kids in my family have blue eyes." I said trying to make conversation that involved our son.

"Most babies have blue eyes at birth, he takes after his Mom. No big deal, I think they make him that more amazing. And we would never make an ugly baby, I mean look at us." He scoffed being silly with me.

"Is it dangerous for me to be here?" I asked.

It suddenly hit me that reality wasn't as cute as the moment we were having.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now