Letter 5

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I took a chance and did something; I went by the house with Oliver and took a giant leap. And it wasn't hard either to pull you away from what you see as your so called life, seeing you with Oliver not going to lie that made me want to break and just tell you. I think it's true what they say about mothers you know even when you're blinded by certain parts of life how to be a mother. You are his mother and I don't think your heart will ever let you forget that even if your mind has.

Not sure, what I'm feeling now, I look into your eyes and I hope I see that girl looking back at me. I don't think I found you yet, and I can tell it's going to be harder to win you over this time. I'm sitting here trying to figure out what it was in the beginning that made it so easy, and why under these circumstances it's so much harder. I can't figure it out.

Sometimes we look at things too closely to figure them out, someone once told me to close my eyes and just let all my instincts take over. Letting go of what you see on the surface sometimes unlocks the inner truth. Sounds like a crock to me sometimes, other times I can see how that would be so.

I don't know what I am expecting; I am irritated each day that passes that I can't have you back. But having you is not what is going to make me happy; I want you to know where you belong. And if that means with me then I want you to lead yourself back here, I will never make the same mistake twice. I understand now that I took a girl who was going through a lot and made her life ten million times worse. That is not what love is about you shouldn't have to battle through it, sometimes you do have to lose and fail and learn to let go. I will not wreck you anymore.....

Love Evan

"Great dinner." I said getting up from the table and helping my Dad and Gray clean up the dishes. Ever since I was, back Gray practically ate dinner at Dad's every night. He told me he would not bring Deven or Lyric around me until I was comfortable. I think he could tell how overwhelming he made everything for me.

"What are your plans for tonight?" Gray asked scraping the plates into the garbage. He looked at me with a serious look.

"When I was at the mall I got one of those flyers for a new bar and lounge that opened up over on third street I was going to check it out." I said. This was true there was something about the flyer that made me want to check it out. It wasn't like most of the bars and clubs that seemed to be around here. It had an edge, a place for all types to come and express themselves, singers and poets everyone could come and share. To me it sounded freeing and a fun place to be, and I was going with or without a friend to tag along.

"What time you heading out?"Gray asked raising an eyebrow; a smile crept across my face.

"In about an hour you want to come check it out?" I asked him. Dad watched us rather amused.

"What's the name of this place?"

"Edgar Alan," I said laughing.

"That's clever, yeah I'll go just to keep you company so nothing crazy happens to you." He insisted as the last dish was loaded in the dishwasher.

"You mean again." I said as I walked out of the kitchen.

I headed upstairs to find something suitable to go out in, I pulled out the black dress shorts and red ruffled tank, it had caught my eyes how artsy looking it was. You simply had a collar and material that draped so delicately across the front almost hugging around to your back. I shoved my feet into the black heels I had snagged on sale rather pleased with my ensemble.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now