Letter 18

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Some parts of life are simple, easy, almost like breathing.


He said it was easy, he told me that what we were all about to do was easy. That taking a mass amount of lives was a piece of cake. And for some reason I believed him. I didn't think twice about it.

The breeze sent Oliver into endless giggles as he lay across the plaid blanket. We were actually outdoors, in a park, not tucked away inside away from the world.

Evan and Kenny had convinced Ari and me to at least come with them for a cookout in the park. Trying their best to show us they could be human. So as I stroked Oliver's chestnut curls I watched Evan and Kenny grill hamburgers and hotdogs, trying to pretend this was normal. It was about as normal as snow in summer I thought to myself.

I breathed in the spring fragrance from the trees and flowers, letting nature take control, the air lifting my spirits as well as my hair.

"Hamburger or hotdog Eve?" Kenny called to me wielding a big metal spatula in my direction.

"I'll take a hotdog. And Oliver will too." I said lifting Oliver up and making my way to Kenny at the grill.

"I'd ask Ari but she's too busy sleeping, I mean sunbathing." Kenny said disgruntled with Ari's attempt at ignoring his kindness. His face seemed to fall as he silently poked the meat.

"Stress is hard for some people." I said giving a shrug

"But not you." Kenny said shaking his head.

"What can I say, I love him." I said smiling at Evan as he unpacked the cooler, setting up soda and condiments on the picnic table, he flashed a small smile my way going back to work.

"She's pregnant Eve." Kenny said low.

I nearly dropped Oliver sending Evan to my side in an instant. I kept my eyes on Kenny as I felt Evan take Oliver away from me.

"I'm going to take him over to the swings, he loves that. You want to join us?" Evan asked kissing my cheek.

"Two minutes?" I asked.

Evan gave a nod walking away leaving me to Kenny.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked instantly slapping him in the arm.

Kenny stared down at the sizzling hamburger, slowly shaking his head no.

"Like she told you she was pregnant?" I asked narrowing my eyes on Kenny.

"How else would I know such a thing?" He asked annoyed with my shock.

"Why wouldn't Ari tell me something like that?" I asked him.

Ari and I had always been close, I saw no reason she would keep it a secret from me. I was the last person to keep it from; I already went down that road.

"Because she doesn't want to keep the baby, and Eve I swear to you if you say one word." Kenny said pushing me in the shoulder with his finger tips.

I swallowed hard knowing he wasn't fooling around with me, and if I wanted to keep my limbs, I would stay quiet.

"Fine, but just one question, do you want the baby, or are you on board as well?" I asked waiting for a reply.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now