Letter 9

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I've always tried to pride myself in being a well rounded person. I out of so many I have known have been able to maintain my anger, not become the three c's of Grims: Cruel, Cold and Calculating. It's not easy to remain controlled I haven't always been like this believe me. There were many times I lost it and killed random Grims and people for no reason, would I ever share that with you no of course not. I guess what I am saying is when you're new to this whole business the urge to kill and hurt is almost uncontrollable. And the ones who were angry before they became a Grim are the ones who have the hardest time trying to keep it under control. Let's just say there are a lot of factors in what kind of Grim any of us can be. It's not always by choice who we become. I cannot say for certain I know everything, I don't want to know everything but sometimes you have this feeling that is in the back of your mind that nags at you, it makes you sick because it's almost stupid to believe.

I almost slept with you tonight, I almost gave in and just told you everything once again but I held off out of pure anger. I don't know what exactly is going on with you. But if it is what I think who's to say how much love it will take to pull you through this. I will die trying always know that.



There was a loud banging on the hotel door; I rolled over lifting my face. The sun blinding me from the crappy curtains that let it escape into the room.

"What?" I yelled jumping out of the bed. There was no response; I flung the door open figuring it was housekeeping or something. I felt ill as I stared at Kenny his face still showing signs of my attack.

"Your still here." He said coming in along with housekeeping. I sighed pulling on my shoes, if I had it my way it wouldn't be for long. I knew it wasn't that far from where I had parked my car.

"What are you doing?" He asked watching me hightail it out of the hotel room.

"I'm going back to my car to get out of here." I said ignoring him as he caught up to me with nearly no effort.

"Obviously Evan told me where you were." He said.

I shrugged him off barely looking as I crossed the street. Kenny snagged my hand instantly letting it go as he did so. I stopped turning enraged with him and his tactics to get me to pay attention to him.

"What is it with you, it's been established there's been something between me and your brother. So why are you chasing me around like a little school boy in love or something?" I yelled taking off on a jog as my car came into view.

"Because you cared about me, and I cared about you. You admitted you saw me with you before the truck hit you, doesn't take much to figure out." He said. He wasn't following me anymore just standing waiting for me to do something.

"So I was some sort of whore is that what you're saying?" I asked rather disturbed.

"No." He said laughing at me. "I told you it was complicated and crazy."

"What's your point Kenny?"

"Come to breakfast with me, I promise I'll be honest with you." He said extending his hand from where he stood. I took a long breath thinking it over quickly in my mind and let it out.

"Ok. Only because you said you would be honest." I said walking toward him again; he waited slowly moving as if I was an animal that would bolt at anytime.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now