Work work work

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Edgar's was already rather busy busting from the seams with regulars and one's that were checking the place out for the first time. It was obvious the attraction to such an original yet vintage place.

I grabbed my purse from the seat pulling out my red lipstick; I was fighting with Kenny's word. What could be wrong with such a place that he did not want me in it?

I chalked it up to his jealousy over other men's eyes resting upon any part of me. I smacked my lips together staring myself down in the mirror. This felt right and it felt good I was all for anything that felt exciting and fun. There was just too much sad and dark going on back home.

There were way too many unanswered questions for me, and I was sure there was good reason but none of these reason we're ever going to be good enough for me. They would never feel right; I thought it wrong to hold back someone's life no matter what it was about. It was still someone's regardless. It felt like cheating to me, that they couldn't make me how they wanted me to be.

I headed up to the entrance feeling as good as I looked. I felt a tug on my purse it was Owen. His guitar in tow, he seemed more laidback probably because this was almost like his home. And the threat of my gigantic admirers was a safe distance away.

"Ready for your first night?" Owen asked holding the door for me. I nodded heading inside, the music filling my ears and body with magical goose bumps.

Owen looked me over a grin on his face. "You look really good."

I laughed following him to the employee's room. He tossed his guitar in a corner by a group of lockers.

"Just put your purse in one of them no one will touch it here." He said sitting down on the bench that was up against the wall.

"Thanks I feel good, this is what I needed." I said closing the locker door, I told myself silently locker four a couple times so I didn't forget.

"That's great that you say that, now I can see more of you without feeling like I'm going to be pummeled constantly." He said laughing at his unfunny joke. It was unfunny because it was practically true.

"Kenny was over at my Dad's when I got home, Gray grilled me and Kenny nearly drug me by my hair telling me he didn't want me working for Edgar's." I said taking a seat across from Owen.

Owen nodded looking at the door.

"Why do you think he would say something like that?" Owen asked scanning my face for answers.

"I don't know I barely know much of anything. He was dead set on telling me everything because of it. So to him it's serious."

"What do you think?"

"I think its whatever; Sandy seemed a little overly concerned as well about me and my so called friends." I said covering my mouth and talking low.

"Hmph." Owen said shrugging me off.

"I'm starting to feel like I'm a part of something huge." I said half laughing.

"Well I hope you make Edgar's your home away from home." Owen said standing up quickly. I turned to see why the reaction, Sandy traipsed in the room in jean shorts and a little halter top, her body nearly shimmering in the dim lighting. Her hair perfect she looked like a cat on the prowl with a warm smile on her face. For being such a slim lady, she radiated a big presence.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now