Letter 7

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Another letter to you, I sped all the way home on cloud nine. Apparently, when you are on cloud nine the cops here do not care and they still will write you up a ton of tickets. It didn't faze me in the least because what happened today was beyond a miracle.

Kissing you again was the best thing that ever happened since our first kiss. I barely can write as I think about everything that is going on.

You remembered the accident and it's obvious it was quite shocking to you. I am not going to say anything to anyone because you have enough your trying to deal with.

All I can say is I love you more then I can handle sometimes, the things you make me go through..... Yet there all worth it.

Best day ever!

Love, Evan

My Dad knocked on my door sucking me out of my dream, I wasn't that sure what it was about but I knew it was pleasant. Reality sometimes seemed to take its toll on me. Sometimes it wasn't as enjoyable and I felt as if I was just waiting for night so I could just go to sleep and forget about it for at least eight hours.

It was sad to think that was how I saw life for me, I wondered if I was this miserable before.

"I made breakfast hon." My Dad said once I opened my door, it was almost as if he was waiting to make sure that I was alive. I smiled running my hands through my hair. One never knew who would be at Dad's anymore.

I yawned loudly coming to the table not feeling that hot, it already felt like a rather blah day. Dad made my plate of fruit and pancakes and sausage, seeming rather cheery. He sat down across from me starting to eat holding the newspaper in one hand; it was a habit of his.

"So, got anything on the agenda?" He asked looking over his paper at me.

"I really don't know." I said biting into my sausage.

"You can come with me to see your Mother, you haven't done that yet." He said eyeing me for some sort of desire I wanted to participate in visiting hours at the rehabilitation home. I smiled politely trying to think of something to say to get out of going.

"Dad, I really just don't want to. I'm not trying to be mean, but ever since Gray saying what he did I just don't feel right about going." I said looking down at my plate; I held my breath waiting for whatever was going to happen next.

"I really wish you would understand that a lot happened between you and your Mother but you guys were on good terms before the accident." He said. I looked up a little nodding, maybe it wouldn't be as bad as I imagined it would be. One part of my mind made me reluctant because of the condition she was in, the other because I was afraid it would upset her and me if we were as Gray said.

I wondered how one could come to hate their Mother so much, wasn't that the one relationship that was supposed to be the most amazing in life?

"Ok I will go, I don't mind." I said nodding my head, my body starting to tense up at my sudden words. Dad's face seemed to light up a huge smile appeared on his face.

"I am so glad you are coming, I'm going to get ready you get ready and we will pick Gray up on the way." He said jumping up taking his plate to the sink.

I sighed looking around the kitchen in a daze; I hoped it wasn't a mistake what I decided to do. The doorbell chimed startling me into action I hurried through the living room to answer it. Coming to the door I was very surprised to see Evan standing there holding Oliver. I instantly smiled then froze realizing I was in a mere boxer shorts and t-shirt.

Letters to you, Book 5 in Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now