Eye contact

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Writing prompt: Eye Contact
Been wanting to improve my writing skills so I began looking up writing prompts
I found this  prompt 
Prompt: Eye Contact: Write about two people seeing each other for the first time.

The sound of muffled speaking could be heard through the bag over her head. She struggled in the chains that bind her to the walls of the cold stone prison. The air in the brown cloth bag was becoming musty. As she pulled on the chains she felt the metal dig into her skin.

She growled trying to call for someone but the bag muffled all cries of help. She heard screaming coming from some part of the jail. She was not a criminal, she shouldn't be here, this wasn't her fault.

As the bag was ripped from her head she looked up her pale blue eyes growing wide, her eyes met jade green ones that belonged to a man who had hair dark as the moonlit night and a freckled face that looked like a starlit morning. As their eyes met a spark seemed to appear connecting their souls as one. He cocked his head looking over the blonde heroine.

"What is she doing in my dungeon?" He asked his voice graveled. He looked to the man who had taken her from her village, dragged her from her home, killed her brothers.

"She..she looked like the girl in the prophecy..sire I. I am sorry I crossed a line, I thought if you had help finding her I could help you kickstart your rule." He said his voice quavering. As he explained the princes eyes grew dark and face red. He was shaking with rage his hands shaping into fists.

"You kidnapped a girl to help me..how does this help anything. If she if found to be here every single promise I have made will crumble. I promised to find her on my own, I promised to protect her, I promised to become a king when my duty was complete. You have ruined my life!" He screamed, he couldn't help but take glances at the chained girl. Her beauty beyond compare.

He felt drawn to her, from the second his eyes met hers he felt a connection. He noticed her fair cheeks were tear stained, he dropped to his knees their faces inches apart, he placed each hand on her cheeks.

"Are you alright darling?" He asked, all the anger seemed to have disappear. "Darling?"

She looked him over. "I..my wrists I can't..my family..I..they died....he k..killed them.." When he heard that he turned letting her face go. He grabbed the man by his shirt throwing him against the bars of her cell.

"I am going to kill you!" He snapped, the man let out a cry he fell back against the cage seeing his master lash out like he had.

The connection between him and the girl was nothing he could control. He felt as if she had cast a spell on him. He felt required to protect her, he hardly knew her yet his entire body was compelled to do her bidding.

She felt tears run down her cheeks as she looked him over the pain of her wrists killing her. He walked towards her after a moment of hesitation, he removed the chains and lifted her up in his arms, he looked to the man who had brought her here.

"I will deal with you later." He said pushing him into the cell. She cuddled into his body feeling pain rattle through her.

His eyes checked over her once more their eyes meeting once again. Fireworks seemed to explode.

"I am going to protect you for as long as I can. I will always protect you."

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