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Felix awoke the next day with a pounding headache and sore eyes from crying so much the night before. He didn't even bother trying to get up. He wanted to stay there forever, wrapped up in those warm blankets that smelled like Chan.

He wanted to sleep forever.

Outside, Minho grew worried, and went to go check on Felix, but Jisung stopped him.

"He needs some time to heal" Jisung sighs, "I wouldn't try and force him to get up"

"I wasn't going to" Minho huffed, "I just wanna comfort my baby brother. It's time that I protected him instead of the other way around" Minho sighed.

"Seriously Minho, not right now. He needs space" Jisung insisted.

"Why do you even care so much?" Minho scoffed.

"Because I feel the exact same way that Felix is feeling right now" Jisung explained, "maybe not as much, but it still fucking hurts"

Minho turned around to face Jisung, and the two kept eye contact.

"Why? It didn't really seem like you liked Chan all that much, maybe even hated him" Minho frowned.

"No, that's not true" Jisung sighed, "I could never hate Chan, not when he was the reason Seungmin and I are still alive. He saved our asses from a near death experience once, one which Seungmin almost didn't make it out of..." Jisung former as he thought back to that moment.

Minho just nods, bowing his head.

"S-sorry for assuming things" Minho stuttered, feeling a bit guilty.

"It's fine MinMin" Jisung smiled, wrapping his arms around Minho's waist, "at least I still have you"


In District 4...

In the early morning hours, inside the council building it was completely silent but outside there could be grunts and shouts heard as Ravi trained new recruits. Chan yawned, stretching as he left the bed that he didn't remember even lying down in and exited the room out of a door that led straight into the training area.

The new recruits definitely didn't look young, but they were definitely new.

"Ah, Chan, there you are" Ravi smiled.

"You were expecting me?" Chan grumbled.

"Well yeah" Ravi scoffed, rolling his eyes as he pointed to the new recruits, "these guys recently came here from District 8, escaped the prison just like the Monsta X Clan did" Ravi explained.

"We were gonna go to District 9 but we heard it was in a bit of...disarray so we thought it best to come here" an ice blue haired male spoke.

"Well, funnily enough, you're looking at the former leader of said District, T.O.P" Ravi smirked at the ice blue haired male.

"Do you're Bang Chan eh?" A male with a side shave and long black to red fade hair asked with a smirk.

Chan looked over to to the familiar male, and smirked tiredly.

"You're G-Dragon. Fuck, you've caused more trouble than Jungkook and Jimin combined" Chan scoffed.

"Eh, what can I say. It runs in the family I guess" G-Dragon shrugs.

"Okay, enough chit chat, let's just-" "how old are you by the way?" A make with emo styled platinum blonde hair suddenly asked.

"Why would you ask me that?" Chan questioned.

"Just in case you're older than us?" The platinum blonde haired male said as more of a question rather than a statement.

"I'm 21" Chan deadpanned.

The blonde haired male's eyes widened slightly.

"And you were a leader!?" He exclaimed.

"Yes, I was" Chan sighed in annoyance, rubbing his forehead, "it's too fucking early for this" Chan winced.

His heart still felt heavy, but at the moment it was bearable.

"You were a fucking mess last night by the way, just so you know" Ravi chuckled, motioning for the five males in front if him to go back to training.

"I was?" Chan blinked.

"Yup, you were" Ravi stated matter of factly, "a blubbering, sobbing mess going on and on about how sorry your ass was" Ravi scoffed.

"Yeah, yeah, spare me the details please" Chan groans.

Ravi chuckled softly, before his expression suddenly turned serious.

"It's probably killing your Mate on the inside, thinking you're dead" Ravi sighed, "I can't imagine what kind of living hell that must be"

"Trust me, it's hell for me too" Chan sighed heavily.

"Then why are you doing this?" Ravi asked, turning to Chan, "why would torture yourself and Felix like this?"

"District 9 needs a better leader, and Felix is the right person to take over" Chan smiles softly as he turns his head to look up at Ravi, "I believe in him"

Oh hey, another chapter, well done me XD also, the looks of the members of BigBang are based off of their appearances in the Fantastic Baby era. I hope you enjoyed the chapter tho!

District 9 (ChanLix)||Book 2 {✔}Where stories live. Discover now