Slipping Away Again

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Felix and Chan had stayed in their spots, not wanting to move nor look away from each other. Felix was no longer crying, just staring at Chan. There was a voice at the back of his mind that told him he could easily pry the bars of the cell open...

And he decided to listen to that voice.

However, even though he was using all the strength he had, he couldn't pry the bars open.

"Babe, I told you, we've been weakened. Right now, there's nothing we can do" Chan sighed heavily, resting his face against the cold metal bars.

Suddenly, a loud boom of thunder rang through the prison, shaking the building.

"Huh, that's weird. The sky was clear when we got here" Jooheon frowned.

Lightning flashed, illuminating their faces. Footsteps could be heard walking towards the cell Jooheon and Chan were located in, and the familiar face of Namjoon appeared.

"Alright Jooheon, it seems Lisa wants to have a little talk with you" Namjoon smirks unlocking the cell and grabbed Jooheon roughly by the arm.

Jooheon struggled a bit, earning a harsh slap to the face.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Namjoon spat.

"Fuck you Kim Namjoon" Jooheon shit back, slamming his knee into Namjoon's stomach which caused Namjoon to fall to his knees and grip his stomach in pain.

Jooheon turned to Chan, "we gotta get out of here, now!"

Chan nodded, scrambling to get into a standing position and walked out of the cell as Jooheon had somehow knocked Namjoon out, walking over to Felix, BamBam and Jisung's cell with the keys that Jooheon stole from Namjoon. He unlocked the door, Felix promptly barreling into his open arms and thw two hugged ear other tightly.

"Seriously, now is not the time for the lovey dicey shit, we need to get the hell outta here!" Jooheon exclaimed, hearing other guards heading their way.

Felix went over and grabbed Jisung, slinging the still unconscious boy over his shoulder, Chan doing the same with BamBam. Jooheon ran ahead of them, Felix right behind him and Chan at the back if the group of three, his mask and disguise completely forgotten.


Time skip to when they arrive back in District 9...(becuz Imma lazy ass bish XD)

They didn't know how but both Felix and Chan managed to squeeze through the gap in the fence, even with unconscious people on their shoulders. However, before they could step into the light of the District, Chan stopped dead in his tracks and handed BamBam's unconscious self over to Jooheon.

"I can't go any further" Chan said with a heavy sigh.

"Chan please...I just got you back, you can't just slip away again" Felix frowned.

Chan opened his mouth to say something, but quickly closed it, shaking his head. Felix huffed as he handed Jisung's unconscious self over to Jooheon who carried them towards Youngjae's medical tent without much trouble at all.

Felix walked closer to Chan until he was right up against the older male, his hands gripping the front of his shirt.

"Please Channie...they'd all love to have you back...I'd love to have you back" Felix muttered the last bit almost inaudibly.

"I know, but I can't. Not just yet anyway" Chan smiled gently, placing a kiss on Felix's forehead, "it could cause a rift between you all, and I don't want that to happen. I don't want my family to be split into two" Chan frowned.

Felix just nods, staring up into Chan's soft brown eyes. Felix's eyes were dull due to the heartache he experienced during the time he thought Chan was dead, but they were still beautiful to Chan.

"Kiss me?" Felix whispered.

Chan smirked, chuckling softly.

"Of course" Chan answered and Felix promptly pulled him closer and slammed their lips together in a rough, passionate kiss.

The kiss lasted a solid five minutes, neither wanting to break apart or end the moment. They wanted this to last forever, but they knew it couldn't. Just as they ended the kiss, they rested their foreheads together, their eyes closed.

"You said you wouldn't let me go" Felix whispered, his voice breaking.

Chan sighed softly, reveling in Felix's presence.

"You can always just sneak away to District 4 with Jooheonie to come and see me now" Chan huffed out with a small smile.

"Well, I kind of want to go to District 4 to get Leo and Ravi's help to take that bitch Lisa down" Felix scoffed.

"Mhm, good idea" Chan leaned his head back, as did Felix.

The two shared a soft, sweet but short kiss after that, not exchanging anymore words before Chan had slipped out of Felix's grasp...


This chapter was an actual mess, I'm sorry :/

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