He's What!?

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So, what is going to be contained in this chapter is something I've been planning literally since like, halfway through the first book 😏


Time skip! Two weeks later, in District 4...

Chan woke up that morning, yawning and stretching as he felt the bed beside him, frowning when Felix wasn't there. Chan sat up slowly, rubbing his face as he yawned once again. He got up out of the bed, wearing nothing but tracksuit pants as he kind of stumbled out of the bedroom, stretching his arms above his head. He then sees Hyuk walking towards him and decided to ask him where Felix was.

"He's in the training area" Hyuk chuckled, "and he's kicking G-Dragon's ass"

Chan raised an eyebrow, smirking a little as he walked towards the door to the training area. When he opened the door, he was just in time to see Felix flip GD over and slam him into the ground.

"Ah fuck!" G-Dragon coughed, "you're strong"

"I trained with the best in District 9" Felix chuckled.

His platinum blonde hair was stuck to his forehead as he panted softly due to exhaustion. Felix had obviously been training for hours, that much Chan could tell. Chan leaned against the doorway, arms crossed over his bare chest as he watched T.O.P have a turn at training with Felix.

"Whoever trained him is good...really good" Ravi scoffed as he walked over to Chan.

"Was good" Chan sighed, "BamBam helped with training him, but unfortunately BamBam and I had a...falling out"

Ravi frowned, knowing there was more to it but he didn't push it. Ravi then decides to stop the training for a little bit, and they couldn't be more grateful. Felix gave a small smile in Chan's direction, the older male winking at Felix. The hybrid giggled, shaking his head.

Suddenly, a wave of nausea washed over Felix, and thw hybrid slapped a hand over his mouth as he tried not to puke. However, when the nausea didn't go away, he walked as calmly as he could towards the bathroom that was attached to the training area, going to the furthest stall from the door, leaning over the toilet and puking.

"Hey, you okay?" The familiar voice of Daesung called out when he noticed Felix was in there too.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine" Felix coughed, wiping his mouth as he collapsed near the toilet.

Daesung slowly walked over, frowning worriedly.

"You don't look okay Felix. What's wrong?" Daesung asked softly.

"I-I don't know. This has been happening for the past three days, today being the third day, b-but I don't if it's food poisoning or something else. I mean, I don't think I have a virus or anything..." Felix trailed off.

Daesung frowned, kneeling down in front of Felix. The older boy the froze as his cat like senses picked up something that shocked him to his core. (Probs should have mentioned that earlier, but Daesung is a cat hybrid)

"Oh...my god..." Daesung was surprised.

"W-what? Do you know what's wrong?" Felix asked desperately.

"Felix...I....I don't know if I should tell you this..." Daesung gulped.

If Felix reacted badly, it could cause problems.

"Daesung...am I dying?" Felix whimpered.

"No, hell no you're not dying" Daesung shook his head, "it's something...a bit more shocking..." Daesung explained softly.

Felix was confused; what could be more shocking than dying?

"Felix..." Daesung looks Felix dead in the eyes, "Lix, you're pregnant"

(*waits for the 'oh my god WTF' comments to roll in*)


"He's what!?" Chan exclaimed as he, Daesung, Felix, Ravi, Leo, Minho and Jisung stood in the main part of the council building.

"Chan, Felix is pregnant" Leo deadpanned.

"Yeah, I know what Daesung said but...how the fuck is that even possible!?" Chan was utterly confused.

"It's rare, but male creatures are able to give birth. I don't know exactly how, but they are. A creatures pregnancy will last five months, but because Felix is a hybrid, it will only last four months" Ravi explained.

"How do you two know all this?" Chan huffed, looking between Leo and Ravi.

Ravi and Leo shared a look, a heavy sigh escaping Ravi as the Demon turned back to look at Chan.

"N was pregnant once, a couple years ago. Unfortunately, we lost the child" Ravi sighed sadly, "as to how we know how long a hybrid's pregnancy will last, we read it in a book somewhere" Ravi shrugged.

Chan's mouth was opening and closing, making him look like some sort of fished. He wasn't angry or anything like that, he was just...in shock. Felix was also shocked, but also kind of happy...until he realised what situation they were preparing for.

"Oh for fuck sake, why did I have to become pregnant at a time like this?" Felix growled, huffing and pouting.

"Felix, you will have to stop training" Ravi said, which only made Felix's pout deepen, "but that doesn't mean you have to lose all your strength. You can still use the exercise equipment to keep your strength up, because I'm telling you now, your pregnancy will weaken you somewhat, and we can't be having you at less than your best" Ravi explained.

Felix nodded, but still wasn't quite happy with that fact. However, the mere thought of actually having a proper family with Chan made the smile return to his face. Chan had looked over to where Felix stood, a small smile tugging at his lips as he saw the fondness in Felix's eyes.

"You do want to keep the baby...right?" Ravi asked Chan.

Chan nodded his head vigorously.

"Of course I do. I wouldn't want to pass up the opportunity to have a family with my Mate" Chan chuckled softly.

Ravi nodded, also smiling somewhat. Unbeknownst to them however, someone had been watching from the shadows with a snarl on their face.

"You took my family away, now it's time I took yours"

Who do you think was spying on them? I'll give you a massive hint; it wasn't Lisa 😏

Once again, IDK how I feel about this chapter :/ it feels slightly rushed...like the Blood Moon chapter, I kinda wrote it all in one go. I hope you guys enjoyed it though!

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