Through Hell And Back

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Still in District 9...

Felix stood in from the locked gate, heaving a heavy sigh. He glanced over to Jooheon, who had an unreadable expression on his face.

"You sure you wanna do this?" Jooheon asks.

"Yes" Felix answers simply.

"You could die in there" Jooheon sighs.

"I know" Felix shrugs, fully turning his head to face Jooheon, "but I may as well try"

"This is actual suicide...actual fucking suicide" Jooheon growls out, frowning at Felix.

"Jooheon...shut up" Felix smirked, "please?"

Jooheon was silent as he blinked slowly at Felix with that 'really?' look on his face.

"You think I'll shut up just because you said please?" Jooheon scoffed.

"Well you should" Felix teased, "or do you want me to tell everyone about your obvious crush on Minhyukkie?"

Jooheon blushed bright red, sputtering.

"How did you-" "like I said, it was obvious" Felix deadpanned, cutting Jooheon off.

Jooheon huffed, crossing his arms as he kicked at the ground.

"That's not gonna stop me from trying to stop y-hey, what are you doing!?" Jooheon exclaims as Felix had ripped off the deadbolt locks using his hybrid strength, "whoa, whoa, whoa, don't do that!"

"Calm down Jooheonie, just lock them back up. I know you have the other set of keys" Felix smirked as he opened the gate just enough for him to squeeze through.

He closed the gate when he was on the other side and Jooheon picked the deadbolts back up, sighing and shaking his head.

"Jooheon" Felix called out.

"Let me guess, 'don't tell the others what I'm doing'?" Jooheon huffed as he locked the gate back up.

"No, you can tell them" Felix sighed, "I was goi to say that if I don't come back by tomorrow, tell them I'm sorry for being weak, and that I tried, okay?" Felix said.

"'re doing this to prove yourself aren't you?" Jooheon asks, frowning worriedly.

"Kind of, yeah" Felix chuckles.

"If Lisa's still there, she'll kill you" Jooheon warns.

"Not if I kill her first" Felix growls as he turns and walks away from the gate and headed straight into the 'mouth of hell' as Jooheon calls it.

In District 4, half an hour later...

"He's doing WHAT NOW!?" Chan exclaimed as he tried to process what Jooheon had just explained to him.

"He's trying to prove himself to the others Chan" Jooheon sighs.

"He shouldn't have to! Fuck, he's going to die in there!" Chan curses, pulling at his hair, "this is all my fault. He wouldn't be doing this if he knew I was still alive!"

"He's trying to prove he's a worthy leader Chan, isn't that what you wanted?" Jooheon asked, an unreadable expression on his face.

"Yes, but not like this!" Chan shouted, closing his eyes tightly as he tried to calm himself down.

"People do stupid things to prove themselves. Sounds like he's gonna go through hell and back just to prove he can lead in your place" Ravi says, resting a comforting hand on Chan's shoulder.

Chan growled, becoming increasingly annoyed and frustrated with himself.

"Why did I do this? If he does, it's going to be my fault" Chan whispered to himself as he stopped pulling at his hair, his arms falling to his sides limply.

Chan sighed heavily, nodding to himself as he opened his eyes to look straight at Jooheon.

"I'm going to follow him" Chan spoke with finality.

Jooheon was quick to disagree.

"No, you said so yourself; he has to become a leader on his own" Jooheon frowned.

"It's not safe in that place" Chan growled, "I'll stay hidden, watch over him in the shadows, just to make sure he makes it out alive" Chan sighs.

"Why?" Jooheon asks as Chan goes to walk out of the room they're in.

"Because I'd go through hell and back to make sure he's safe" and with that, Chan exits the room, slamming the door behind him.

Jooheon and Ravi glance at each other, Jooheon sighing heavily.

"I have a feeling this is going to end badly..."

Once again...sorry for the shortness :/

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