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The sewer stench got worse and worse the closer they got to the prison, and the amount of heads plus bodies seen in the water had gone from one or two every 10 minutes to about 8 every 2 minutes. They all, except 'Kyuubi' had to cover their mouthes and noses with their shirts, but even then the stench wafted through the material.

"Are we there yet?" BamBam grumbled, wanting to just get out of these damn sewers.

"We're here" 'Kyuubi' spoke up.

"Fucking finally!" Jisung exclaimed.

"Keep your hoods up, because this prison is heavily guarded and we don't wanna risk being caught" Felix spoke up, his words slightly muffled.

Jooheon lets Felix, Jisung and BamBam climb up before him, and as 'Kyuubi' goes to climb up, Jooheon stops him.

"We'll scout ahead" Felix whispers down to Jooheon.

Jooheon just nods, and when the three are out of earshot, she shoves 'Kyuubi'.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing Chan!?" Jooheon whisper yelled.

"I'm protecting Felix" Chan snarls back.

"If your mask somehow falls off and you accidentally out yourself, that could cause devastating consequences. It's too early" Jooheon frowned.

"I'll be careful Jooheon, I promise. I'm not gonna let District 9 fall apart" Chan sighed.

"Right...also, before we left, Felix told me to put this on your unmarked grave" Jooheon took out a folded piece of paper, "read it quickly" Jooheon huffed, climbing up the ladder.

Chan carefully unfolded the piece of paper, tears forming in his eyes as he read the letter.

Chan carefully unfolded the piece of paper, tears forming in his eyes as he read the letter

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He held the letter to his heart, trying to steady his breathing and calm himself down. BamBam almost did what!? Chan couldn't think straight, but he tried to keep his anger at bay. But why didn't Jooheon tell him? As a matter of fact, why did BamBam

Chan shook his head, breathing out a heavy sigh before climbing up the ladder. He had more pressing matters to attend to, and he couldn't let his emotions take over, because if he did...

He'd be screwed.

In District 4...

"I think you're working them too hard babe. They look like they're gonna pass out" N's voice purred from behind Ravi.

"They did all the training they can get if Lisa's planning what I fear she's planning" Ravi frowned.

"You should've kept Channie here" N sighed.

"What makes you say that, love?" Ravi chuckled softly.

"I just think it was a bad idea, because he could easily get found out if Jooheon has others with him, even with that stupid fox mask" N frowns, his arms coming up to sling themselves over Ravi's shoulders from behind.

"If any others were with him, I'm sure Felix would be there too, and we all know that those two need to be together. At least it'll dull the pain they both feel" Ravi sighed heavily.

"Chan doesn't want to be found out yet, he wants to wait for Felix to become a 'true leader' before that happens, whatever the fuck that means" N scoffs.

Ravi smiled a little, turning his head so he was sort of facing N.

"Remember when Leo and I's father handed over to District 4 to us?" N nodded, "he based it off a feeling he had. It was basically when we stopped being childish and stopped doing the whole 'typical sibling rivalry' shit. He couldn't decide who would be the leader, so he chose both of us. Chan will know when Felix has actually become a leader, and that's when he'll reveal himself" Ravi hums.

"But the consequences of that...does Chan know what it could possibly lead to?" N asks softly.

"I think he already knows we're heading for a war N, but what kind of consequences are you thinking of hun?" N stays silent, and Ravi then fully turns around to face N, "have you been having visions again?" Ravi asks with a concerned frown.

"Yes" N nods, sighing.

He looked kind of distressed, and Ravi's worried frown deepened.

"N, tell me what you saw" Ravi stared deep into N's eyes, not liking the scared look in his eyes.

"Death, a lot of it, which is obviously kind of normal considering every battle takes some lives, but this one...this one is gonna be bad Ravi, really bad" N hesitated, tears welling up in his eyes.

"What else did you say baby? Please, you have to tell me" Ravi begged softly.

"I...I think I saw you...dead"


In District 9...

Hyunjin sat on a chair beside the bed Changbin was lying on. Currently, Changbin was in a self-induced coma as his body tried to heal itself from the horrible wounds Felix had caused. Hyunjin had a feeling it wasn't Felix, now that he had calmed down considerably, because Felix himself had no reason to hurt Changbin, but he knew Lisa did, so maybe Lisa had been controlling him.

All of a sudden, he was hit with a vision. Usually, Hyunjin had these 'visions' when he was sleeping, but this time he was wide awake, and various images flashed in his mind. Death, buildings on fire, creature against creature, human against human, human against creature, but what really shocked him was the final image that flashed in his head.

It was BamBam and Chan fighting against each other.

Ehehe...*cough* welp...also, each District has their own like 'seer' or basically the one that has visions. Leo and Ravi have N, District 9 has Hyunjin though he doesn't really know it cuz he thinks there just dreams, and Seokjin's District has....that's a surprise hehehe.

This surprise I've been holding in since the first book, jfc. I actually forgot about it for a long time, until I looked at my outline ideas for the first book XD also, I hope that letter thing wasn't too difficult to read :/

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