With You

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This book is more than likely going to end either at chapter 50, 55 at the most, and we are 8 chapters away from 50....kinda don't want this to end, but I'm kinda excited to write the whole war scene OOF


In District 9, 1 hour later...

"Minho, stop pacing, they'll be okay" Jisung sighed, trying to calm his stressed out boyfriend.

"We haven't heard anything from them in hours 'Sungie!" Minho exclaimed.

Jooheon had already buried Yugyeom, and Hyunjin was currently in the medic tent, now wide awake but severely malnourished. Wonho was also worried, because he thought Chan would have been back by now, unless something had happened.

Wonho watched Minho pace for a few minutes longer, before his head snapped over to where the entrance to the secret passageway was, a wide smile on his face when he saw four familiar figures walking towards them. Well, three figures were walking, one of them was being carried by another.

"Guys, look!" Wonho exclaimed, pointing over to the four familiar figures.

Minho, Jisung and Jooheon looked to where Wonho was pointing, Minho feeling tears form in the corner of his eyes.

"Oh my god" Minho ran over to Felix and Chan, the hybrid being carried by the Ghoul, "is he okay?" Minho whispered as he saw that his little brother was fast asleep in Chan's arms.

"Yeah, he's just tired Minho" Chan whispered back.

"Jeongin, Seungmin's back!" Jisung shouted over to Jeongin who was sparring with Jackson.

Jeongin stopped what he was doing, looking over in Seungmin's direction, the red haired boys arms outstretched. Jeongin made a little squeak kind of noise, running over to Seungmin and basically jumping on the older boy. Jeongin wrapped his arms around Seungmin's neck, the older of the two chuckling softly as he wraps his arms around Jeongin's waist.

"I thought you were dead" Jeongin let out a sob.

"I'd never leave you baby boy" Seungmin smiled.

Jeongin looked into Seungmin's eyes, sniffling.

"Never ever?" Jeongin whimpered.

"Never ever" Seungmin answered.

Jeongin leaned in, his and Seungmin's lips meeting in a soft kiss.

Chan had carried Felix all the way to the abandoned warehouse, going into what was once Yugyeom and BamBam's room, placing Felix carefully down onto the bed. Minho had stayed with Jisung, welcoming Changbin and Seungmin back home with soft smiles and hugs.

After the Ghoul had tucked Felix into the bed, his sighed heavily before taking his shirt and shoes off, crawling into bed beside Felix. The two were face to face, and Chan could see what the lack of sleep and little food had done to Felix. Chan felt a lump in his throat, and he let out a soft sob.

'Fuck...this is all my fault...I'm sorry Lix, I'm so fucking sorry' Chan covered his eyes with his hands, rolling over so he was lying on his back.

"I'm sorry" Chan whimpered.

He didn't notice that Felix's eyes had slowly fluttered open at the sound.

"Channie, don't cry" Felix whispered.

Chan heard him, but that didn't stop his tears.

(Writing this part actually triggered a memory for me...I'll tell you in the a/n at the end. I actually had to stop writing for a few moments)

Felix frowned, shuffling closer to Chan so he could rest his head on Chan's chest.

"Please stop crying Channie~ it's not your fault" Felix whispered.

Chan breathed in and out shakily, his hands leaving their place from covering his eyes. His left arm rested over Felix's side as he calmed himself down, his eyes slowly drying and becoming puffy and red from crying.

"Channie, none of this is your fault, so please stop blaming yourself, for me?" Felix lifts himself up slightly so he's able to look into Chan's eyes.

Chan says nothing, nodding slowly. Felix smiles sadly, sighing.

"At least I'm back home, with you" Felix whispers, leaning down and capturing Chan's lips in a soft kiss.

At least they were back in each others arms once again...

Tbh, I don't even know why writing that one part triggered a memory with me, because it has nothing to do with that particular scene. Basically, thw memory was of me back in...year 6 I think, in Science class. Basically, I had this 'friend' that I literally switched classes for only for her to stab me in the back along with the popular girls at the time, but basically I saw her whispering to a few people, and I fucking knew she was spreading rumours about me, and they were laughing at me, and I started crying, in the middle of class no less. I kind of covered my eyes with my hands so no one knew I was crying.

I fucking trusted that 'friend' too, more than I probably should have...

Anyway, I hope to guys enjoyed the chapter, sorry it was so short :/

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