Do You Love Me?

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A few hours later, Chan was the first to awaken. His eyes fluttered open, looking sideways to see Felix fast asleep with a peaceful look on his face. Chan smiled softly, watching Felix sleep and run his hand through Felix's hair for another five minutes before Felix finally started to wake up.

"Good morning baby" Chan's voice was raspy and thick with sleep.

Felix hummed, yawning and stretching a bit before he winced.

"Ouch" Felix muttered, "my ass hurts"

Chan chuckled softly, saying nothing as he placed a kiss on Felix's forehead.

"Are you okay?" Chan asked gently.

"Better than I was earlier today" Felix sighed, lifting his head and resting his head on Chan's bare chest.

Felix felt himself drifting off again at the sound of Chan's heartbeat, but Chan had shifted and caused his head to roll off of Chan's chest, Felix pouted and huffed as Chan sat up, shuffling forward so he sat at the end of the bed with a bit of the blanket covering his lower regions. There were various scratch marks on Chan's back from their activities from earlier that day.

Felix sat up then, moving so he was on his knees kneeling behind Chan. He slid his hands down Chan's back, the older male closing his eyes and leaning his hand back slightly at the soft touch.

"Can't we just stay in here for a while? I don't feel like being around the others right now" Felix muttered, biting his bottom lip.

Chan laughed a little bit, turning his head to the side. Felix leaned in, and they shared a passionate kiss. Felix ran the tips of his fingers up and down Chan's back gently, Chan making a 'hm' sound at the comforting feeling. Chan broke the kiss after a minute or so, chuckling softly at Felix's pout.

"C'mon babe, we gotta have a shower" Chan stood up, Felix gulping visibly as he gave his boyfriend the once over.

Chan rolls his eyes with a smirk, walking towards the bathroom. Felix also hopped off the bed, following Chan into the bathroom. The older of the two turned the shower on, adjusting the temperature to a very warm temperature. He allowed the hybrid to go in first, Chan hopping in behind him and closing the shower door.

Chan rested his hands on Felix's hips, every now and again placing soft kisses on the younger's shoulder or neck. Felix then leaned his head back to rest against Chan's shoulder, leaning it to the side a bit as Chan kissed and bit his neck, creating a hickey. The younger of the two moaned softly at the feeling, causing Chan to smirk at the sound.

"Are you trying to turn me on again babe?" Chan chuckled against his neck.

"Maybe~" Felix giggled.

"Well, looks like our shower is gonna be longer than I thought" Chan growled at thw back of his throat, biting Felix's neck harshly.

Felix moaned a little louder this time, one of his hands coming up to rest on Chan's neck as the older of the two slipped inside him once again.

Felix let himself enjoy their closeness and privacy, knowing it wouldn't last too much longer as they'd have to talk to the others about going to District 4 and talking with Leo and Ravi.

Outside, Jooheon was sitting on the dead grass, his knees up against his chest and his cloak wrapped tightly around him.

"Hey Jooheon" the familiar voice of Minhyuk spoke as he sat next to the older male.

"Hello Minhyuk" Jooheon briefly glanced at Minhyuk, flashing a smile before turning back to look at the open field.

Minhyuk shuffled closer to Jooheon then, practically snuggling into Jooheon's side. Thank goodness Jooheon had his hood up or otherwise Minhyuk would be able to see the blush staining Jooheon's cheeks.

"Hey Jooheonie?" Minhyuk asked softly.

"Yeah?" Jooheon turned his head slightly to face Minhyuk.

"Do you love me?" Minhyuk asked suddenly.

The bold question caught Jooheon off guard, but the older kept his cool.

"Of course Minhyukkie" Jooheon chuckled, "we are best friends after all"

Minhyuk frowned, obviously not satisfied with Jooheon's answer.

"I don't mean as a best friend Jooheon" Minhyuk huffed.

Jooheon froze and said nothing, his brain processing what Minhyuk meant by his question. Of course he knew what Minhyuk meant, but he wasn't going to tell him that. Felix was right; Jooheon was shy.

Jooheon was suddenly pulled onto Minhyuk's lap, Jooheon's legs on either side of Minhyuk's.

"I'll ask again; Do. You. Love. Me?" Minhyuk's face had gotten significantly closer to Jooheon's, the younger's warm breath fanning over his lips.

"I....yes, yes I do" Jooheon stuttered.

His heart was hammering in his chest, Minhyuk letting out a breathy chuckle as he felt the fast beating of Jooheon's heart.

"Calm down Jooheonie" Minhyuk smiled softly, "I love you too" Minhyuk then closes the gap between them, years of tension finally disappearing as Minhyuk captured Jooheon's lips in a soft kiss.

Jooheon instantly returned the kiss, his arms coming up to wrap around Minhyuk's neck as the younger's cold hands rested on his hips. A couple minutes later, Minhyuk broke the kiss, resting his forehead against Jooheon's. The older of the two honestly felt like crying happy tears; he's waited for this for so long, but he lost all hope that it would ever happen, but now it has, and Jooheon had never felt more happy than he did in that moment...

Well, that was an interesting chapter XD

Also, instead of annoying you guys with another 'not chapter', I'll just tell you guys in this authors note. So, I wanna do like an About Me Q and A where you guys just ask me questions like what my fave thing is and stuff like that.

Ask me questions here --->

I'll answer them in the comments ^ω^ Mkai, that is all, hope you enjoyed the chapter 😊

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