Fight For Survival

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Time skip! 3 days later...

Felix felt weak. His throat was dry and his stomach rumbled. The Ghoul in him wanted to eat one of the others, but Felix could never do that. However, he realised he did kind of need some kind of food.

Was he going to starve to death?

The other three in the room were really worried about Felix, because not only was he pregnant with twins, but he was being starved.

Suddenly, the door opens and Seokjin, Lisa and BamBam walk in. Hyunjin stands up, and he recognises BamBam instantly, his face morphing into a snarl.

" fucking traitor" Hyunjin growls.

BamBam says nothing, his expression blank. However, something in BamBam's eyes told him something was wrong, or he was planning something, and that unsettled Hyunjin.

"Awe, poor little hybrid" Lisa cooed as she looked over at Felix, "you're looking near death over there, you poor thing. Tell me, are the babies kicking hm?" Lisa chuckled evilly.

Felix glared harshly at her, grinding his teeth together but saying nothing. Hyunjin huffed, glaring daggers at Lisa.

"Leave him the fuck alone bitch, can't you see he's basically dying over there!?" Hyunjin exclaimed.

"I know" Lisa smirks, looking at Hyunjin, "he needs that you're going to have to fight for, Hyunjinnie" Lisa giggled.

Hyunjin went to protest, but BamBam grabbed him by the arms, having quickly walked over until he stood behind Hyunjin.

"You fucking bitch! Just give him some food so him and the babies can live, for fucks sake!" Hyunjin growled out, struggling against BamBam's grip.

Lisa walked over, grabbing Hyunjin by the chin and forcing him to look her straight in the eyes.

"If you want food for your precious Hybrid friend, you're gonna have to fight for it" Lisa giggled an evil, twisted little giggle, making Hyunjin sick to his stomach by just hearing it.

"Against who?" Hyunjin growled.

"Oh, just some of my loyal followers" Lisa smirked wickedly.

Hyunjin shuddered, knowing that shed definitely put him up against creatures. He was then grateful that he had trained with Chan for all those years, because he knew that would definitely come in handy.

"BamBam, blindfold him. Don't want him running off now do we?" Lisa chuckled.

BamBam nodded, blindfolding Hyunjin quickly and also trying his hands behind his back.

Darkness was all that Hyunjin could see for several minutes after that, and it was beginning to really piss him off. However, when the blindfold was taken off, there was someone extremely familiar standing in front of him. His eyes were pitch black, an indication he was a Demon.

"Namjoon?" Hyunjin muttered in disbelief.

Namjoon said nothing, smirking.

"Alright Hyunjinnie, if you manage to knock him on his ass just once, we'll give you some nice food for all four of you" Lisa spoke simply.

Hyunjin agreed to the terms, mentally telling himself to give Felix his portion because he had a feeling Lisa would give them much to begin with, and Felix and those babies needed to live.

He would fight for their survival...


Hyunjin had lost the fight, unfortunately, and was basically thrown back into the dimly lit room. However, because Lisa was apparently feeling generous, she gave them just enough food for three people.

"G-give my portion to F-Felix" Hyunjin winced in pain.

He had also rolled down the concrete steps that led down into the room, so he was in a fair amount of pain.

"B-but what about you?" Seungmin whimpered, extremely worried about the health and well-being of his half brother.

"I-I'll be fine, I promise" Hyunjin smiled weakly.

Seungmin was hesitant, but Hyunjin kept insisting. So, Seungmin came to a decision; he decided to give his portion to Felix.

"N-no, you have to eat t-too" Felix pushed the extra plate back to Seungmin.

"Felix" Seungmin frowned, pushing the plate back to Felix, "you need the food more than we do. You're carrying twins for fuck sake, you need the strength to keep give Channie hyung a real family" Seungmin spoke softly.

At the mention of Chan's name, Felix's eyes welled up with tears as he bowed his head, his hands covering his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, this is all my fault" Felix sobbed, "I'm such an idiot. Maybe if I had just stayed near Chan, none of this would have happened! M-maybe it would be better if I-" Felix was cut off by Hyunjin.

"Don't finish that sentence Lix" Hyunjin managed a serious tone, even though he was severely weakened, "you wouldn't be doing any good if you died. Chan would kill himself if you died, and that's the truth. He loves you Felix, and I'm betting you that he's trying to find us, to find you, his fucking Mate, right this very minute. Hell, he's probably been tying for the past three days. He's probably lost sleep trying to find us. We're his family, and you're carrying his children. You. Can't. Die" Hyunjin explained.

Felix's sobs grew louder after that, and he felt extremely guilty for even thinking about letting himself die. Hyunjin was right; they were Chan's family, and he was carrying Chan's children inside him.

He had to fight for his own survival.

Okay, yeah, I'm kinda happy with this chapter TBH but also kinda not. I feel like I could have written it better in all honesty :/ I hope you guys enjoyed it tho...

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