Forever And Ever

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😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏 there's a reason I put that meme up there hehehehehehehehe ⊙ω⊙

Felix and Chan had been lying there for hours, neither of them being able to sleep. Even though Felix was exhausted from the lack of sleep, he couldn't find it within himself to go back to sleep.

Chan stared at the ceiling, lost in thought.

'How the hell am I gonna do this?' Chan thought to himself, frowning.

"What's wrong Chan?" Felix asked softly.

"Nothing babe...just thinking" Chan sighed softly, turning his head to the side so he was looking at Felix.

"Thinking about what?" Felix wondered.

"Everything...and nothing" Chan answered, smiling gently.

Felix frowned, leaning in and kissing Chan's forehead.

"Anyway, you can go have a shower if you want. I need to go do something real quick" Chan spoke as he slowly sat up and got out of the bed, walking out if the room without another word.

Felix pouted, getting up out of the bed and walking to the bathroom. He decided he'd have a bath instead, since he didn't feel like he had the strength to hold himself up in the shower.

Chan walked to the front of the warehouse, gripping his hair as he paced back and forth.

'What the fuck do I even say? Come on Bang Chan, think you stupid fuck!' Chan mentally yelled at himself.

"Are you thinking about it again?" Minho had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, scaring the loving hell out of Chan.

"I expected that shit from Jooheon seeing as he does it all the time, not you" Chan huffed, crossing his arms.

"Well, whatever you plan to say, say it from the heart" Minho smiled softly, "speaking of....when are you going to ask him?"

"Tonight" Chan answered without hesitation, "I don't want to put it off any longer"

"Okay" Minho nods, "I'll get the others" Minho walks off to gather everyone else.

About 15 minutes later, Felix had finished his bath, letting the water out and getting dressed. He changed into an oversized shirt of Chan's and a pair of sweatpants, exiting the bathroom and walking out of the bedroom and into the warehouse.

"Hey Lix" Wonho smiles, waving him over, "come here"

The current residents of District 9 were standing in a half circle, Hyunjin being held up by both Changbin and Seungmin as he was still too weak to hold himself up. Standing in front of the half circle was Chan, a soft smile on his face.

"The hell is going on?" Felix asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Come here babe" Chan chuckled softly.

"Okay then" Felix cautiously walked over.

For some reason, he was really nervous. He could feel that Chan was nervous too, which made the hybrid all the more worried. What was going to happen?

Chan then took hold of his hands when Felix was close enough, clearing his throat.

"It took me forever to think of what to fuckin' say, and I'm still not sure but here goes nothing" Chan chuckled nervously, breathing in and out as he stared into Felix's confused eyes, "Lee Felix, the day we first met I wasn't sure I was going to like you, at all, but I ended up liking you too much and in all honesty, that scared me. I'm sorry for being an asshole back then too. Hah, I say back then, it wasn't even that long ago...anyway, back to my point" Chan laughed at his own stupidity, "Lix, I love you so much, and I'm so sorry for all the shit I put you through, and I'm sorry all of this is happening. It's like the universe is trying to rip us apart. But, Felix, I want to be with you, forever and ever. So, in saying that" Chan let go of Felix's hands, taking something out of his back pocket and kneeling down on one knee.

That's when Felix realised what was going on.

The hybrid slapped a hand over his mouth, smiling widely as tears formed in the corners of his eyes.

"Lee Felix, would you me the honour of becoming mine forever and ever?" Chan asked as he presented Felix with a ring.

Felix nodded, not trusting his voice. Chan smiled as he stood up, slipping the ring on Felix's left ring finger. There was clapping and cheers coming from the others. Felix wrapped his arms around Chan's neck then, their lips slamming together in a passionate kiss.

Finally, everything was perfect...



District 9 (ChanLix)||Book 2 {✔}Where stories live. Discover now