The Flames Of War part 1

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I am running out of title ideas guys, sorry that the title sounds so dramatic >~<

District 8 was still partially in ruins from the riot that the Monsta X clan had caused, and Wonho wasn't kidding when he said Seokjin had gathered his army. It was massive, with both humans and creatures with BamBam and Namjoon stood on either side of him. Some of the shifted creatures growled and snapped their jaws at them.

Wonho led the residents of District 9 with Chan and Minho on either side of him with Minho holding a long sword in his hand. Black, red and white war paint decorated his face, his expression set in an angry snarl. He was actually quite intimidating, and knowing how far he'd come from being shy and timid into a pretty amazing fighter just made him that much more scary.

Wonho had shifted into his wolf form, growling low in his throat. Chan had shifted into his Ghoul form, his red eyes gleaming with unbidden hatred and rage for those that stood on the other side. Fire still burned throughout District 8, and the sun was just beginning to set.

Jisung had fastened his pace, walking beside Minho in his Incubus form, red devil horns and red spiky ended tail showing with his eyes a bright golden yellow colour. To say he was ready to snap a few necks would be an understatement.

They really messed with the wrong District. However, why worried both Wonho and Chan was that they were severely outnumbered.

Where was Leo and Ravi?

"Hm, I wondered if you were going to show your pretty soon to be dead faces" Seokjin chuckled, "aw, but looks like this won't be much of a battle, considering how many of us there are and how little of you there are" Seokjin's smirk was wicked and demeaning as he spoke.

"You're so full of yourself" Hyunjin scoffed as he walked up to stand beside Jisung, "you have no fucking clue what we're capable of, brother" Hyunjin growled out, holding his head high.

"But I outnumber your side by so many, Jinnie. You should have picked the winning side little brother. I really don't want to have to kill you" Seokjin fake pouted, but there was a hint of truth to his words.

But he'd do what he'd have to, and if that meant killing his only family left alive, then so be it.

"I think you're confused as to which aide is truly the winning side Kim Seokjin!" A new, familiar voice called out.

Seokjin quickly looked over in the direction of the forest, and sure enough, there stood Ravi and Leo and their own army behind them. Some were standing up in the branches of the trees, and from what Chan saw, there was G-Dragon and Taeyang standing on one branch with one of Taeyang's arms wrapped securely around GD's waist.

Leo and Ravi had similarly shaped horns sticking out the side of their heads, but Ravi's was thicker and larger, hence why he was standing at the front and Leo not too far off to the right side of Ravi with Hyuk beside him ready for battle.

'Is this really what it's turned into? A bloody fucking battle? An all out war? This shouldn't be happening...' Chan thought to himself, heaving a heavy sigh.

"Why do you want to do all this huh?" Chan called out, slightly angry at the situation, "your grandparents created our race, and we have done nothing but try our best to live alongside you in peace"

"You're nothing but scum" Seokjin spat, "an ever growing plague in the Districts. Your species are dangerous and harmful, and nothing but mistakes" Seokjin huffed.

"Humans are also just as destructive, brother" Hyunjin said, "you're just scared because you can't control them" Hyunjin smirked, "and those you can't control are dangerous to you, but that's your opinion"

"Why do you think my army is so big, Hyunjin? These are people who share my beliefs and my views, and some creatures are willing to give up their life to make the Districts a better place"

That was a lie, they all knew Seokjin was lying, but what the leader of District 8 said next made their blood boil.

"Why do you think Ken and Hongbin were poisoned Ravi?" Seokjin smirked, "they wanted to be!" Seokjin cackled.

Ravi growled, and something within him snapped. N was quick to hold him back, saying it was nothing but lies and that Seokjin was only trying to piss him off.

"You bastardy! They would never willingly die for you!" Ravi spat, trying to struggle out of N's tight grasp.

"But they would for you and Leo" Seokjin smirked.

Both Leo and Ravi froze at that, Ravi's eyes welling up with tears.

"N-no..." Ravi whimpered.

"They'd die to protect their family, and that's exactly what they did. Too bad it was all in vain. Now, let's cut the chit chat...IT'S WAR TIME BOYS AND GIRLS!" Seokjin laughed.

The army behind him cheered, raising their weapons or fists up into the air. Wonho growled, a loud howl escaping him.

"We will fight for them then, and for all those who died needlessly!" Wonho yelled, still in his Wolf form, "AND FOR DISTRICT 9!"

The war had begun...

Oh wow, I actually got it done haha \(^o^)/ go me XD IDK how long the next couple of chapters are gonna take me to do tho, becuz Imma try and show different points of view during the war and I wanna at least try and drag it out over two to three chapters ^ω^

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I really did try to write it well UwU

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