Deadly Habit

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Felix felt empty. He had cried all his tears in a matter of days, now his eyes were dry. However, that didn't mean his heart had stopped hurting. Behind him, Wonho grew increasingly worried. He knew what it was like being so far away from his Mate Hyungwon, but Felix's Mate was dead. He couldn't quite imagine how that would feel.

"Wonho" Jooheon called out his name, waving him over.

Wonho nodded, walking over to Jooheon but not without sparing Felix a glance. Wonho offered his friend a small smile, but got nothing but a blank stare in return. Was Felix really broken, or did he just lose the ability to smile? Felix sighed heavily, nodding to himself as he looked over at BamBam.

"I understand that you don't want me to be the leader, but it's apparently what Chan wanted me to be. But, if you're willing to help me now, that would be great" Felix spoke.

BamBam shuddered under the dead stare that Felix gave him. This Felix...BamBam didn't like this Felix, at all. Sure, it would take some time for BamBam to accept the fact that Felix was in fact going to be District 9's new leader instead of him, but he would eventually.

Over with Jooheon and Wonho, the older had pulled Wonho off to the side and out of ear shot.

"Wonho, you cannot tell what I'm about to tell you to anyone else, especially Felix" Jooheon snarled at the snicker that erupted from the younger, "I'm fucking serious Shin Hoseok" Jooheon growled.

Now that shut Wonho up. Jooheon had used his real name in such a tone, so Wonho knew it must be incredibly serious.

"Chan is alive, and before you go off at me, this was his fucking idea, not mine" Jooheon sighed agitatedly.

Wonho's mouth drops open, and then closes, and then opens again, and then closes again for the final time. His eyes are ablaze with anger then, angry at Chan for doing this to Felix; for making his own fucking Mate think he was dead when he really wasn't.

"Why would he do that!? Doesn't he know the consequences!?" Wonho whisper yelled.

"Because he thinks that he was a shit leader and wants Felix to leader because he thinks Felix would be the better leader. I know, it makes no fucking sense" Jooheon growls, "but that isn't all" Jooheon sighed.

"There's more?" Wonho deadpanned, sighing in irritation, "I mean seriously, what could be worse than Chan faking his fucking death and hurting both himself and Felix at the same fucking time!?" Wonho exclaimed as quietly as he could.

"Lisa can control Felix" Jooheon answered simply.

Wonho froze, blinking rapidly for a few moments before nodding to himself.

"Yeah, yeah okay, that's worse" Wonho gulped.

"No shit. That means she can destroy us from the inside out using Felix. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if she's controlling him now" Jooheon sighed.

"Jooheon, he's broken hearted, I don't think that means she's controlling him" Wonho raised an eyebrow.

"I've been watching over Felix since his sister was beheaded, I know what he's like" Jooheon hissed, "and I know he can't be broken so easily, even if Chan is his Mate"

"Jooheon, people change. You saw how close those two got before Chan's 'death', and if that were me I'd probably be shattered beyond repair" Wonho frowned.

"I'm telling you, Felix is being controlled by Lisa. Before you ask, no Chan doesn't have a fucking clue about it, and it's gonna remain that way. If I told him, it would ruin his entire plan, it would force him to come back and it would most likely rip this district apart" Jooheon explained.

"Alright, alright, I believe you, sheesh" Wonho snapped.

"Wonho, please take this seriously. Apparently, according to Hyunjin, Felix thinks he sleep walks at night. Looks like his 'habit' is deadly, deadly enough to bring the end to all of us" Jooheon glanced over at Felix.

Felix glanced over, locking eyes with Jooheon. Jooheon gulped visibly, the look the hybrid was giving him sending a shiver up his spine. It was full of hate and spite, but that emotion disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, which only confirmed Jooheon's suspicions.

Lisa really needed to be more careful...

......This is going a completely different direction than it was originally going -.- *sigh* this is what happened with the first book, and I just hope that it doesn't cause this book to be terrible :/

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