For You

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Oi, if you haven't already, go check out my internet child Qwiyomii's book Te Amo. It's a ChanLix, and while you're at it, give her a follow becuz my child deserves all the love and support because she's done thw same for me, so this is me doing the same for her. ILY bubs ❤💖💟💓💝❤💞💗💖💕💓💝❤💞💞💖💟💓💓💝💗💖💟💓💞❤💖💕💕💝💗💟💟💓💓💝❤💗💟💕💓💝💖💟💕❤💞💗

Felix and Chan had decided to go through with the wedding after thw babies were born, however they still planned for it. Over the next month and a half, they were constantly planning for it, and Felix was now a week away from being three months pregnant.

A week away from being three months pregnant, and he could still lift weights.

"How the fuck do you even...." Jimin blinked, confused and surprised that Felix still had the strength to lift such heavy weights.

"Honestly, I don't know" Felix chuckled, setting the weights down.

"He still needs to take it easy I'm guessing" Hoseok spoke from the doorway of the exercise room.

"There are things I can't do, yes" Felix frowned for a split second before a wide smile replaced the frown, "but I'm carrying Channie's babies, so I'll do anything and everything to make sure they come into this world safely and healthy!"

Jimin smiled, giggling.

"Now if that ain't the cutest thing I've ever heard" Jimin shook his head.

Hoseok laughed softly as he pushed himself off of the door and walked over to the punching bag.

"Hey Jimin, could you help me wrap my hands?" Hoseok asked.

"Uh huh" Jimin nodded, walking over to Hoseok.

Felix raised his eyebrow at them, a knowing smirk on his face.

"You can see it too, can't you?" Chan spoke from behind Felix.

"Mhm" Felix giggled as he slowly stood up, "it's so obvious" Felix turned around, stumbling a bit.

Cha frowned worriedly, wrapping his arms around Felix's waist.

"You okay Likseu?" Chan asked softly.

"Yeah I'm okay Channie" Felix smiled up at Chan, wrapping his arms around Chan's neck, "it's just my fat belly is a bit heavy to carry around now considering there's two babies in there" Felix giggled.

Chan rolled his eyes, chuckling as he shook his head. Chan then earned his head forward, his forehead resting against Felix's. He then unwraps one of his arms from around Felix's waist, resting his hand on Felix's round belly.

"They kicked" Chan muttered as he felt the babies kick hard enough for Chan to feel it against his palm, "does it hurt?"

"A little bit, but I'm happy because it reassures me that they're still there, that we're still going to be a family...a real family" Felix whispered, his eyes fluttering closed as tears formed in his eyes.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Chan whispered as he saw a tear fall from Felix's eye, "why are you sad?"

"I'm not sad..." Felix sniffled, "just extremely worried. Lisa's gone into silent mode, and nothing bad has happened this past month and a half. I have a feeling something terrible is on the way, and I'm scared" Felix's hands then gripped the back of Chan's hair, "I'm scared that whatever is going to happen will cause alot of death and destruction, and I'm scared that y-you will die, for real this time" Felix whimpered.

"Baby, I'm not going to die" Chan spoke softly, but there was seriousness to his tone, "I'm not going to allow our children to grow up without a father. I told you, I'm not gonna leave you ever again. Even if I was wounded and close to death, I'd fight to stay alive, all for you" Chan leaned his head away, his free hand coming up to wipe Felix's tears away, "please believe me when I say I truly do want to be with you, forever and ever, and I refuse to die. I'd twist Fate to make sure I didn't die, and I know it's impossible to twist Fate in your favour, but I'd do the impossible for you. I'd go to the ends of this world, wherever that might be for you, I'd walk through fire to make sure you were safe and happy, I would do anything and everything for you" Chan explained, staring into Felix's now opened eyes.

"Chan, I...I don't know how to respond to that" Felix had tears streaming down his cheeks.

"You don't have to say anything, I just wanted you to know that" Chan smiled, leaning in and capturing Felix's lips in a soft kiss.

Hoseok and Jimin watched the two with soft smiles, Jimin giggling and clapping.

"Awe, so cute" Jimin whispered.

Hoseok rolled his eyes, scoffing.

"Sickeningly cute" Hoseok fake gagged, Jimin playfully slapping his arm.

"Oh shut up, you're just jealous" Jimin pouted.

"Hm...true" Hoseok nodded, smirking, "but to be honest, you're cuter" Hoseok exaggerated a wink, cackling at the way Jimin sputtered and blushed.

"S-shut up" Jimin stuttered, storming away.

Hoseok chuckled, shaking his head. At least everything was okay...

For now

OOF, well that was cute XD

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