Test Of Strength

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Yup, deffo running out of chapter title ideas WHOOP 😤

Per their words, Jooheon and Daesung had stayed in District 9 with Felix and Youngjae. Youngjae stayed so he could monitor how the babies were going. The rest of District 9 went to District 4 to train, and it was once again practically killing both Felix and Chan not to be near each other.

Chan was growing angry and frustrated with the public displays of affection from the other people there who had Mates there with them, and he was an inch away from snapping either his own or someone else's neck.

Chan's fists clenched as he continued to punch the punching bag like he was before, except this time much harder; diehard his knuckles bled and his eyes turned red.

'But, if there's one thing I've learnt, is that you can use your pain as a strength instead of a weakness, so no one can use it against you' Leo's words from months ago echoed in his head, and he huffed, giving one final punch to the punching bag.

'Pain is strength' Chan repeated the words in distress over and over.

He felt pain in his heart because he was once again so far away from his currently pregnant Mate, but he wouldn't let that weaken him like it did before. He'd channel the pain he felt into strength. But he needed to take it out in something, or someone.

He turned to the ones who were sparring, and currently it was JB against GD.

"Oi, Jaebum" Chan called out.

Jaebum turned to a currently red eyed Chan, frowning.

"Chan, your eyes are red" JB was slightly worried.

Was something wrong?

"Spar with me" Chan smirked.

Jaebum just stood there for a moment, his expression blank before a similar smirk overtook the blank expression.

"Alright" Jaebum cracked his knuckles, "but be prepared to be knocked on your ass" Jaebum chuckled.

"Don't forget I taught you everything you know" Chan scoffed, "your moves are predictable to me-oof" Chan was unexpectedly kicked to the ground by JB.

"You were saying?" Jaebum joked.

Chan growled, flipping back up into a standing position. Jaebum and Chan walked in a circle, staring each other down. This wasn't a sparring session anymore.

This was a test of strength.

Jaebum was strong, even for a human. He was built nearly like a tank, but Chan wasn't human, therefore in more ways than one, he was stronger.

The human and the Ghoul ran at each other, grabbing onto each other's shoulders when they were close enough, trying to push the other away.

"You're weak Chan. Without your Mate here with you...it's weakened you physically" Jaebum chuckled.

"Pain...is strength" Chan growled out.

From across the room, Leo had heard Chan say those words and he grinned.

"Hah, looks like he learnt something" Leo scoffed.

"What did you do?" Ravi raised an eyebrow at his half brother.

"I just told him, months ago, that he should learn to use the pain he felt as a strength instead of a weakness" Leo chuckled.

Ravi just rolled his eyes, shaking his head. That definitely sounded like something Leo would say, but no one really takes what Leo says seriously most of the time, so it was definitely a surprise that Chan did.

Jaebum and Chan fought a while longer, until Jaebum was knocked down to the ground one too many times for his liking.

"Okay, okay, I give in" Jaebum grunted, pulling himself up off of the ground and dusted himself off.

Jaebum huffed, his boyfriend Jackson snickering softly at the annoyed expression on JB's face.

Chan turned away from them as soon as they had started to show PDA, frowning.

He wished he was back in District 9 with Felix. He wondered how his Mate was doing without him. He wondered if his unborn children were kicking his stomach diehard it caused discomfort or pain. Chan shook his head free of those thoughts, sighing softly as he stared up at the sky.

'I'll be back soon Lix, I promise'

This was a shitty chapter, I'm sorry 😕 Not that it matters but hey, I'm single now...again...and it really fucking sucks, but what's new about that eh ╮(╯▽╰)╭

😔 I thought he...nvm 😑

Anyway, I hope you somewhat enjoyed this chapter...

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