Final Goodbye

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In District 4, an hour later...

Leo, Ravi, Hyuk and N were all in the main council room when they heard the doors open. Jooheon was the first to walk in, followed by Felix, Jisung and Minho, and lastly, Chan and Kihyun walked in, Chan carrying Hongbin's body and Kihyun carrying Ken's body.

"Are they..." Hyuk trailed off with sad eyes.

Chan nodded solemnly, gently lying Hongbin's body down on the ground. Kihyun lied Ken's body in the ground beside Hongbin's, Leo rushing over and collapsing into his knees near them.

"Oh my boys..." Leo's voice broke.

"How did they die?" N asked as Hyuk walked over to console his upset lover.

"Lisa poisoned them; a slow working poison without a cure" Chan spoke softly, "Ken told me to tell you, Leo, and you too Ravi, that the Yb were thankful for you guys taking them in back when they were street rats, and that they were sorry, because they tried to fight but Lisa outsmarted them..." Chan trailed off, taking something out from his pocket and holding it our for Leo to take, "I found it in Ken's pocket"

Leo takes the note with shaky hands, trying to steady his breathing as he unfolded the note. He calmed down significantly, reading the letter out loud.

(Read from left to right)

By the end, Leo was once again reduced to a crying mess, gripping onto Hyuk as he cried into his boyfriends shirt

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By the end, Leo was once again reduced to a crying mess, gripping onto Hyuk as he cried into his boyfriends shirt. Hyuk wrapped his arms around Leo, letting a few of his own tears escape. N hid his face in Ravi's neck as he cried softly, whereas Ravi looked eerily calm. They all knew he was angry though, but he wasn't going to show it just yet.

"We need to bury them" Ravi spoke up, "give them the burial they deserve. Kihyunnie, go get Taemin" Ravi turned to Kihyun and the younger male nodded.

Though Kihyun hadn't been in District 4 in years, he knew where everyone was still because of his memory.

Time skip! Half an hour later...

Taemin had gone to get Onew to help him with digging the grave, because Leo, Ravi, Hyuk and N had agreed to bury Ken and Hongbin together. Chan, Felix, Kihyun, Minho and Jisung were standing around, as were Taemin, the other Minho, Onew and Key.

Leo could barely hold himself up, gripping onto Hyuk like a lifeline. N's expression was sad, but no tears fell. Ravi's expression was blank, but his eyes conveyed everything; sorrow and anger. The blood moon was still high in the sky as it got closer and closer to midnight, a gloomy reminder that worse was to come.

Leo couldn't take it any longer. He fell onto his knees as he let go of Hyuk, the younger male kneeling down and wrapping his arms around Leo as he let out the most heartbroken cry any of them had ever heard. Felix gripped Chan's hand when he heard the cry, letting a few of his own tears slip down his cheeks.

"That's how I felt, you know, when I thought you were dead" Felix sniffled.

Chan winced, a fresh wave of guilt washing over him. He knew he fucked up, he fucked up bad. He royally fucked up. It was his fault, all of this was his fault. He suddenly felt a heavy weight on his shoulders. Ken and Hongbin were dead because he didn't get to them fast enough, his Mate went through indescribable pain when they were apart for so long. BamBam and Yugyeom left because he couldn't man up and be a better leader and instead put all that responsibility on Felix's shoulders.

Chan broke down then, but he did so as quietly as possible, tears cascading down his face as soft, broken sobs wracked his body.

"G-goodbye my brothers" they heard Leo speak through his sobs, "I hope you have a safe journey to heaven. You both deserve it" Leo crawled over to Hongbin and Ken's grave, resting his open palm on the dirt that covered them, "goodbye, and I hope we meet in the next life. I hope you weren't in too much pain w-when you were dying. You didn't deserve to go the way you did. You deserved an honourable death; a fighting death. I know you said you tried to fight but you could have tried harder, you dummies" Leo managed to smile through the waterfall of tears, "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you well enough, and I hope you forgive me, wherever you both are. We'll avenge you, and we'll avenge those who died because of that bitch Lisa, that fucking coward" Leo spat, sighing heavily, "I'll miss you both terribly, but we'll always keep you guys in our memory. Goodbye Ken, Hongie" Leo whispered as a final goodbye to the dead lovers.

Leo then turned to the rest of them, the sorrowful look replaced with rage.

"I swear to whatever God is above that we will kill Lisa for everything she's done" Leo growled, "she wants to play with the Demon Brothers? Well then, let's give her something to play with" Leo slowly rose into a standing position, his eyes pitch black as he spoke his next words.

"Let's bring this fight to her"

Ohohohohoho WOW okay, things are really starting to heat up now asfkhgjwhhd I hope y'all are prepared for this 😂

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