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Wonho slipped through the gap in the fence, a smirk on his face as he walked into District 9, still holding Lisa's severed head. Right behind him was Minhyuk and Hyungwon, the latter going in before Minhyuk.

"Wonho, where have you bee-what the fuck!?" Changbin exclaimed as he looked down and saw Lisa's head.

"Where's Felix and Chan?" Wonho asked.

"They're in the warehouse" Changbin looked away from Lisa's head as Wonho walked towards the warehouse.

Sure enough, there they were having a very hushed conversation, Felix's arms wrapped around Chan's neck and the older's hands resting on the hybrid's hips.

"Hey you two" Wonho snickered.

Chan glanced over, but he didn't see what Wonho was holding...yet.

"What is it?" Chan asked as he tilted his head to the side a bit.

Felix also glanced over to Wonho, and just in time too because the smug wolf hybrid had then held up Lisa's severed head.

"I threw the rest if her in the fire, but I brought this back, 'cause I figured you'd want some evidence to know she's really dead" Wonho chuckled.

Chan had let go of Felix, slowly making his way over to Wonho. No words were spoken as he grabbed Lisa's head from Wonho's grasp, examining it. A sick, twisted smile made its way onto his face as he let out a low chuckle and a growl, his eyes turning blood red.

Even Wonho had backed off, slightly nervous. The woman who had caused so much shit for them and practically tried to put a stop to Chan finding out who his Mate was and also the woman who had locked up and nearly starved his Mate to death...her head was now in Chan's hands, and it made the Ghoul extremely happy...

And also quite hungry.

It had been a while since he last ate, and he growled at the back of his throat when he felt his stomach rumble loudly.

"Wonho" Chan threw Lisa's head to the ground as he looked at the wolf hybrid, his teeth forming into sharp points and his nails turning into very sharp claws, "get Felix out of here, please"

Wonho just nodded, walking around Chan and ushered Felix out of the warehouse.

"W-wait, why!?" Felix exclaimed, turning around to face Chan.

"I...I don't want you to see this Lix" Chan gulped as he turned around and walked into a random part of the warehouse, out if sight.

"Trust me when I say you really don't wanna watch when he's feeding" Jooheon suddenly spoke from behind them.

They were used to Jooheon popping up out of nowhere, so both Wonho and Felix just calmly turned their heads to face him.

"Is it that disgusting?" Wonho asked.

"It made me want to puke up everything is eaten and then some, so yeah, it's pretty fucking gross" Jooheon shuddered.

Felix however, didn't give a fuck. He didn't know if it was something to do with his pregnancy, but he felt confident enough to seek Chan out, and Jooheon didn't even bother stopping him.

"Felix, wait-" "let him do what he wants" Jooheon shrugged, "it might gross me out, but it might not have the sane effect on Felix"

Felix followed the soft growling sounds and the ripping and tearing of flesh. Also the really loud sound of Chan 'smacking his lips' as they say.

"Wow, you're a really loud eater" Felix giggled when he saw Chan's figure hunched over something.

Chan stopped what he was doing, his head whipping around to look at Felix. In the dim light, Felix could see the blood surrounding his mouth and his eyes glowing red.

"Felix, I told you I didn't want you to see this" Chan growled out.

He was very self conscious about eating in front of the others. After Jooheon had accidentally stumbled upon him and BamBam feeding, he swore to never eat in front of the others nor where the others could accidentally come across him feeding and BamBam did the same.

"Babe, do you really think I give a fuck?" Felix crossed his arms over his chest, raising an eyebrow.

"Felix, please just-" "the answer is no Channie, I don't give a fuck" Felix chuckled, walking over and kneeling down beside Chan.

Chan suddenly felt really embarrassed, which definitely wasn't normal for him. He felt reserved and closed off as his mind kind of shut down. Without even realising it, Chan blushed.

Yes, Bang Chan fucking blushed.

Felix was actually kind of shocked to see the pinkish colour on Chan's cheeks.

"Wait...are you actually being shy right now? You didn't want me to see you feeding because you're shy?" Felix asked.

"N-not shy...just e-embarrassed" Chan stuttered.

The Ghoul was mentally kicking himself. Why in the hell was he stuttering!?

"Chan, you shouldn't be embarrassed. It's natural for you" Felix frowned.

Chan didn't know how to respond to that, instead he just shoved a small piece of flesh into his mouth, chewing it slowly, and with his mouth open. Felix grimaced, hooking his fingers underneath Chan's bloodied chin which caused Chan to stop chewing.

"Learn to close your mouth when you eat babe, jeez" Felix rolled his eyes.

Chan just smirked, chuckling as he turned back to the body, and kept eating, but at a slower pace. He still felt embarrassed, but not as much as he did before. Felix just sat there, watching his Mate eat.

It wasn't that gross to see. Slightly disturbing, but not enough to make Felix want to puke his guts up...

Guys, I need lots n lots of virtual cuddles & hugs plz n thanks ;~;

District 9 (ChanLix)||Book 2 {✔}Where stories live. Discover now