Pain Is Strength

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Back in District 4...

Chan had decided to wander the training grounds a bit, his hands in his jean pockets. He wore an all white outfit; white hoodie, white ripped jeans and white converses. (I'm basing his current look on his look in the I Am: NOT teaser thingy BTW)

He kicked at the ground, just wandering before a sudden wave of nausea hit him like a ton of bricks. He stopped dead in his tracks, closing his eyes tightly as he clapped a hand over his mouth.

'No, no, no, not now' flashbacks to the battle, to Felix being terribly injured, to him 'dying' came rushing back into his head. He fell to his knees, trying to swallow the bile that came up in his throat. He felt a hand in his shoulder, and the familiar voice of Leo asking if he was okay.

Chan shook his head 'no', tears forming in the corner of his eyes.

"Stupid" Leo huffed, helping Chan to his feet as the Ghoul finally managed to swallow down the puke, wincing at the foul taste it left in the back of his throat.

"Damnit" Chan groaned, annoyed at himself.


Leo had just hit Chan over the head.

"What the fuck Leo!?" Chan exclaimed, rubbing his head.

"What was all that about huh? Is your poor little heart hurting again?" Leo growled.

"No! I just had a flashback, that's all!" Chan huffed.

Leo rolled his eyes, sighing heavily.

"You should get used to it, because as time goes on it'll hurt more and more, being so far away from your Mate" Leo frowned.

"You say that like you know how it feels" Chan says almost too quietly.

"It's because I do, I've experienced it first hand. At first it was my parents, they were forcefully ripped apart from each other, and my dad was killed. My mother killed herself, Kihyunnie ran off, and I snapped" Leo frowned, "then, later on in life, for two full fucking years Hyuk and I were in completely different Districts, and Seokjin put me on death row. That's when I met Kihyun again, and him and his friends got me out of there" Leo looks to Chan, "it's like your own personal hell, and it hurts so much that eventually you just feel like there's nothing left to live for. But, if there's one thing I've learnt, is that you can use your pain as a strength instead of a weakness, so no one can use it against you" Leo explains.

Chan just nods, listening intently. He hung onto every word Leo said, because he knew it would help him in the long run. He may not be able to fully get past the pain in his heart, but he could damn well allow it to make him stronger, and this time he'll make it right.


In District 9...

Felix was sparring with BamBam, who was getting his ass royally kicked by the hybrid. BamBam was once again flung against the wall, and once again fell onto his knees as he spat blood.

"You're getting stronger, fucking damnit" BamBam chuckled, "you could at least let me knock you on your ass, just once!"

"Hah, like hell Bammie. That ain't happening" Felix smirked.

"Alrighty then" BamBam mirrored his smirk, "I wanna try a little something then, just dint kill me alright?" BamBam asked.

"Okay? Wait, what are you planning?" Felix was suspicious.

"I'm gonna make you angry" BamBam said, "I want you to think back to when Lisa killed Chan" BamBam said.

Felix froze as flashbacks entered his head.

"Imagine you're back there, but this time it's you facing Lisa after she killed Chan. Think about how much you want to tear her to shreds. Now, imagine I'm Lisa" BamBam explained.

Jooheon, Yugyeom, Jisung, Hyunjin and Changbin were watching from the sidelines, and Hyunjin cursed silently.

"BamBam, do you want to die!?" Hyunjin exclaimed as Felix started to transform into his half demon, half ghoul form.

"Here we go" BamBam transformed into his Ghoul form, smirking wickedly, "I'd start backing the fuck away if I were you guys!" BamBam shouted at the Ines standing on the sidelines.

The small group of five backed up until they were against the wall. A loud growl was heard coming from Felix, and BamBam inwardly gulped.

"Come on then hybrid boy, COME AT ME!"

CLIFFHANGEEEEEER hehehehe. I'm really trying my best to make this as interesting as possible, but I don't think I'm doing as well as I could ;-; either way, I hope you guys enjoyed it?

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