The Flames Of War part 2

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Wonho had howled once more, the sound echoing through the streets of District 8 and the two sides ran at each other with intent to kill, and all Hyunjin could do as he ran was focus on his older brother Seokjin, and as it so happened Ravi had the same idea.

Hyunjin and Ravi locked eyes briefly, and nodded at each other. Hyunjin shouted a war cry, raising his sword. Seokjin smirked, raising his sword above his head to block the blow when Hyunjin swung his sword in a downward motion. Seokjin and Hyunjin's swords clashed, the changing noise loud.

It was now brother against brother.

Ravi was close by, but was knocked back by another unknown Demon creature. Seokjin then pushed Hyunjin's sword off his own, kicking Hyunjin in the chest which sent him falling to the ground, hard in his back.

Hyunjin let out a shout of pain, but the pain was only brief because just seconds later he had flipped back up into a standing position. Hyunjin glared at Seokjin, swinging his sword to the side, but Seokjin once again blocked the blow.

"Hah, you really think you can win against me, little brother?" Seokjin cackled, pushing Hyunjin's sword away with his own and swinging in a diagonal motion.

Hyunjin had managed to get far away enough that he wasn't completely cut in half by his brothers sword, but in still made a long diagonal cut from the right side of his chest and almost all the eY down to his left hip. Hyunjin hissed in pain, stumbling back as Seokjin swung at him again. Hyunjin ducked and dodged, before their swords finally clashed again; Hyunjin holding his sword above his head as Seokjin swung downwards.

Suddenly, Seokjin was right in his face, smirking viciously.

"You should have picked the winning side Hyunjin, it's really too bad you'll have to die now" Seokjin chuckled darkly.

"We'll see about that" Hyunjin growled out.

For a split second, he dared to glance behind Seokjin, seeing Ravi still battling that unknown demon, but behind Ravi there was Chan...

He was fighting against BamBam


Chan growled low in his throat as he ran at BamBam, swiping his clawed hand. His clothes were ripped and torn, bleeding from various places. BamBam snarled at him, his hand reaching out and grabbed Chan by the throat before slamming Chan into the ground.

Chan grunted in pain, trying to struggle out of BamBam's grip.

"Die, you fucking murderer" BamBam snarled.

Chan was confused fora few moments, before he realised that BamBam didn't remember who he actually was to BamBam.

Just. Like. Woojin.

Chan was struggling to breathe, but that only lasted a few moments longer because a very familiar cat hybrid had jumped onto BamBam's back.

"Daesung" Chan coughed, quickly getting up into a standing position.

BamBam growled, grabbing the cat hybrid and flinging him off. Of course, like all cat hybrids, Daesung had amazing reflexes and had somehow landed on his feet. His eyes were bright green, his white cat ears and car tail showing with black, red and white warpaint covering his face and his bare upper body including his arms and hands. He was muscular, really muscular, and he could probably beat BamBam's ass in less than a second, but Chan knew BamBam was stupidly strong, even if he didn't look like it. With creatures, it all depended on what kind you were. Even if you basically looked like a stick, Ghoul's, Demons, and creature slash creature hybrids were alot stronger than other creatures and creature slash human hybrids like Daesung.

BamBam growled again, turning to face Daesung. The latter hissed at him, baring his sharp canines. BamBam snarled at the cat hybrid before running at him and swiping his clawed hand. Chan decided he would help Daesung, huffing as he ran over and grabbed BamBam by the back of the shirt, flinging him into a nearby tree.

"Thanks" Daesung grinned.

"You got scratched" Chan frowned as BamBam slowly pushed himself off the ground, his broken back healing rapidly.

"It's just a scratch, I'll be fine" Daesung smirked, glancing over at BamBam, "He's getting up"

Chan whipped his head around, glaring at his once best friend. He didn't want to, but he knew that this was going to end one of two ways; either Chan was going to die, or BamBam was going to.

Suddenly, the noise of the battle seemed to fade out for a few seconds as a voice spoke in his head.

Felix's voice.

'Chan, the babies...they're here' Felix's sounded so exhausted, probably from crying so much and also being in pain, but Chan knew he was smiling.

Chan internally sighed in relief because now he knew that his children and his Mate were okay, even if he didn't know if he himself was going to make it out of this alive, and honestly, that wasn't far from the truth...

Because a certain someone wasn't healing...

Ooooooooh looks like someone's gonna die, but it ain't Chan 🙄

Eep, I'm tryna show different points of view in the battle, but IDK if this turning out as well as I'd hoped...eeeeh this is the best I can do I guess ╮(╯▽╰)╭ the battles gonna continue in the next chapter, then after that the aftermath, then after that the epilogue...we only got three chapters left guys, and I ain't prepared for this to end 😩

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