The Truth Hurts part 2

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Everyone went completely silent after Chan said that, Felix looking deep into Chan's eyes to try and see if there was any sort of look that told him that what he just said was a lie.

It wasn't a lie.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me" BamBam spat, "then why the fuck would you allow him to be the leader!?"

Chan let go of Felix, having had enough of BamBam's shit talking. Chan stormed over to BamBam, standing in front of the other Ghoul as he growled low in his throat.

"No one asked for your opinion BamBam" Chan shot back, his expression set in a fierce glare.

"The hybrid is now an actual threat to this District. We either kill him or kick him out. I vote kill him" BamBam went to go over to Felix, but was stopped by Chan gripping his shirt and slamming him onto the ground.

"You have no say in this matter BamBam. Personally, I think it's you who should leave" Chan growled.

He instantly regretted saying that however, when he saw the broken look on BamBam's face, but it was thw truth.

"Y-you don't mean that" BamBam muttered.

Chan swallowed the regret and guilt he felt, channeling it into anger.

"I do mean it, and if you wanna kill my Mate, you're gonna have to go through me first" Chan snapped.

BamBam glanced between Felix and Chan, before his expression turned into a snarl and he slowly pushed himself up into a standing position.

"Fine" BamBam chuckled darkly, "I'll just have to go through you then"

"I thought we were brothers...why are you doing this?" Chan asked, not wanting to fight BamBam.

"You're making a mistake, a huge mistake by making that weak little hybrid our new leader. He can be controlled by our enemy Chan! Who's to say she isn't controlling him now? How would we know?" BamBam growled out.

"You are not going to kill my Mate BamBam" Chan snarled.

"Your Mate is dangerous" BamBam spat.

Chan couldn't take it any longer. He growled lowly, his eyes turning a searing red colour. Everyone else had backed away to a safe distance, whilst Jooheon was starting to regret even allowing Chan to come back. He was supposed to stop anything stupid from happening...and now look; BamBam and Chan were fighting.

They kicked, punched, said hurtful words to each other, and by the end they both had cuts, bruises and blood on various parts of their bodies.

"Please don't make this mistake Chan" BamBam's eyes softened, "I get that you love him, but it's a bit biased of you to pick him when he doesn't even have the mental strength to lead" BamBam scoffed.

"Oh, so you don't know that he's also the leader of the Monsta X Clan then?" Chan raised an eyebrow.

Now that caught BamBam off guard. By the shocked look on his best friends face, he knew that what he just said was most definitely not information that BamBam knew.

"He has experience BamBam, he knows what I means to be a leader. I just became the leader because I was the first one here and for a while, the oldest" Chan sighed.

"But you did what was best for this District-" "no, I didn't, I nearly drove this District into the ground because I only did what I thought was best and didn't take into account of any one else's opinions or feelings which should be what a leader does" Chan glances over to Felix briefly before looking back to BamBam, "Felix understands what it means to be a leader, and if you can't accept that, then I think you should leave or shut up and stay quiet" Chan frowned.

BamBam glanced between Felix and Chan, looking kind of torn. However, he locked eyes with Chan then, and huffed.

"I guess I'm leaving then" BamBam stormed past Chan, making a show of bumping into Chan's shoulder as he walked past.

Yugyeom sighed, shaking his head as he followed BamBam. They lost two extremely valuable and once loveable people...

And Felix felt like it was all his fault

I'm sorry, this was extremely poorly written ;-; also, JustThatStrayKid on Insta thinks I should have a fandom for some reason and our quote should be 'royally fucked up' 😂

But I mean, it's a cool idea I guess...but what would the name of said fandom?

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