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Felix felt like the earth was shattering underneath him as his legs wobbled a bit, his grip on Minho tightening.

"This is all my fault" Felix whimpered, closing his eyes tightly and tried to steady his breathing.

Minho frowned, rubbing his brothers back in a comforting manner.

"I....I need to be alone..." Felix sniffled, letting go of Minho and walking towards the warehouse.

Minho, despite protests from both Chan and Jisung, followed Felix to the warehouse. Once Felix was inside said warehouse, he collapsed onto his knees, unable to stand any longer. It was like their was this extremely heavy weight on his shoulders; responsibility, guilt, hurt and anger.

"Jjikseu?" Minho called out softly, using the nickname he has for his brother.

It seemed Felix couldn't hear him, because he didn't even turn his head or make any movement that indicated he heard his older brother. Minho sighed heavily, walking over to Felix and kneeled beside him.

"It's not your fault. If anything, it's Chan's fault. He's the one who pretended to be dead. He's the one that caused you to hurt so much" even though his voice was soft, you could hear the anger behind it.

Felix said nothing; he just kept silent but he was listening to what Minho was saying.

"To be honest, I think our roles have reversed brother" Minho chuckled, "and I know you've probably heard this too many times, but I think it's time you let the rest of us be the strong ones. We can be like your support beams Felix, if you can allow us..." Minho trailed off.

That's when Felix turned his head to face Minho, and the older boy swore he heard his heart shatter into a million pieces. The emptiness in Felix's eyes scared him. He's never seen Felix like this...

"Looks like the past is finally catching up, huh?" Minho mumbled, his eyes sad.

Felix just nodded, turning his head away and stared down at the concrete ground he was kneeling on. Minho shuffled closer, wrapping his arms around Felix in a hug from the side. Felix hands came up to grip Minho's arm tightly as he slipped further and further into his empty state.

Chan, with Wonho and Jooheon behind him, wandered into the warehouse, seeing the kind of heartbreaking sight of an obviously sad Minho holding Felix, who wasn't even moving at all. Minho, out the corner of his eye, saw them enter, a vicious glare on his face as he locked eyes with Chan.

"You did this" Minho was furious with Chan, that much was obvious, and even though he was human Chan figured that an angry Minho was a scary Minho, "you're the fucking reason all of this shit is happening because you were only thinking of yourself. You broke him, you stupid fucking Ghoul!" Minho's expression was now set in a snarl.

"I've apologised Minho. What else can I do?" Chan sighed.

"You need to do more than fucking apologise. Words mean nothing dumbass. Actions speak more than words ever could" Minho unwrapped his arms from around Felix, turning the younger around slowly, "lift your head Lix. I want Chan to see what he's done to you" Minho whispered.

It had been a long, silent minute before Felix lifted his head, Chan seeing the emptiness in them. Almost like a robot, Felix stood up and walked over to Chan, wrapping his arms around the older boy and burying his face in his chest. Chan wrapped his arms around Felix as well, resting his head on top of Felix's.

Minho was still glaring daggers at Chan. Did Felix hugging him indicate that Felix doesn't blame Chan? Or maybe that was all he needed to be fixed; a simple hug from Chan? Or maybe he was trying to show Chan that he wanted more? Chan didn't say anything, neither did Felix, and the two stayed like that for a while, Wonho and Jooheon having to drag Minho away from the two so he didn't end up hurting Chan, because they knew Minho was strong enough now to injure Chan, even if it would just be a little bit of damage.

"Do you love me?" Felix whispered almost inaudibly, leaning his head away from Chan's chest as he locked eyes with the Ghoul.

"Of course I love you Lix, you're my Mate" Chan smiled gently.

"Then show me you love me" Felix whispered.

Chan knew what Felix was implying, but he was hesitant. Felix's eyes still looked void of any emotion, but his voice; the tone Felix spoke with conveyed the emotion.

"How?" Chan dared to ask.

"You know how" Felix leaned his head up slightly to kiss Chan softly but passionately.

Chan returned the kiss, and tried his hardest to convey how sorry he was and how much he loved Felix in that kiss. Chan tapped Felix's upper thigh, and Felix jumped slightly, wrapping his legs tightly around Chan's waist as Chan help him up by his butt. Chan walked towards what was once BamBam and Yugyeom's room, never once breaking the kiss.

He carefully lied Felix down onto the bed, breaking the kiss briefly before crawling between Felix's legs.

"Are you sure you wanna do this Lix? It might hurt a little" Chan frowned.

He didn't want to hurt Felix any more than he already had.

"It's fine Channie" Felix forced a soft smile, "I want this"

Chan nodded, leaning down and capturing Felix's lips in a soft, sweet kiss.

Whimpers, moans and soft spoken words were all that were exchanged between them the entire time, and about an hour later they fell asleep wrapped up in each others arms.

Tbh, I'm low-key proud of how I wrote this chapter ^ω^ but anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed it 😊

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