Blood Moon

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Minhyuk and Jooheon stayed in that same position for a little while, before Minhyuk noticed something strange. He leaned his head away from Jooheon, looking up towards the now relatively clear sky. The moon had changed in colour to a deep red, the colour of blood.

"Jooheon, blood moon" Minhyuk motioned up to the sky.

Jooheon looked up, his heart sinking down into his stomach. Blood moons are a rare sight, only happening once every 100 years, but the last time there was a blood moon 100 years ago, the world was at war and was split up into Districts afterwards. 100 years ago was when they created the first ever Demons, under a blood moon...

Leo and Ravi.

"Fuck" Jooheon cursed, looking back to Minhyuk, "we have to get to District 4, now" Jooheon quickly climbed off of Minhyuk's lap, standing up.

"Wait, why?" Minhyuk frowned, slowly lifting himself up into a standing position.

"Because I think this war is going to begin sooner than we think"

In District 4...

Ravi had been watching G-Dragon and Daesung spar for who knows how long when he looked up and noticed the blood moon.

"Uh oh" Ravi muttered.

"What's wrong love?" N called from the doorway to the training area,wearing nothing but a black silk dressing gown.

Ravi said nothing, staring up at the moon. N sighed, looking to where Ravi was looking. His heart pounded with fear against his chest as he stared at the blood moon, images flashing in his head.




Leo, who had wanders into the training area, saw the blank expression and glazed over eyes N had, and he knew the Incubus was having a vision. N snapped out of it after a few seconds, turning to Leo with tears in his eyes.

"I...I keep seeing Ravi dead" N sniffled.

Leo wandered over, patting N's shoulder comfortingly.

"If it happens, it happens. We can't stop Fate, N" Leo didn't exactly want Ravi to die, but Fate was cruel and definitely was not on their side at the moment.

"But here's the thing...I'm not sure if it's him or not" N still had tears in his eyes as he said this.

Leo frowned, confused.

"What do you mean?" Leo asks gently.

"I keep seeing Ravi dead...but my gut is telling me it's not him that dies"

Back in District 9...

"There's a blood moon?" Chan asked, Jooheon nodding.

"Minhyuk and I were outside and Minhyuk noticed that the moon was red. We need to go to District 4" Jooheon said.

"Who would go with us?" Felix asked, frowning.

"Obviously I will" Jooheon scoffed, "but I don't know who else would be willing..." Jooheon frowned in thought.

"Kihyun should come with us. I know it's been a long time since he's seen his brother Leo. Jisung and my brother Minho should come to" Felix nodded.

Chan smiled secretly; he could definitely see Felix's inner leader surfacing, as could Jooheon.

"I'll come too" Chan said.

"So...who's gonna be the temporary leader until you guys come back?" Minhyuk raised an eyebrow.

"Wonho can be" Felix said, "I trust him with my life, and he's looked after you guys well"

"Yeah, I agree with that" Minhyuk nodded.

"Okay, I'll go tell Jisung and my brother, Chan could you go find where Kihyun might be?" Felix asked Chan.

Chan nodded, walking in the direction of where Kihyun could possibly be. Felix and Jooheon went to walk off, until Minhyuk called out Jooheon's name. The older boy hesitated, glancing sideways at Felix.

"Go to him" Felix smiled, but then his expression turned serious, "but if you break his heart, it'll be either me or Wonho that tears you to shreds" Felix growled as a warning.

Jooheon nods, scurrying back to where Minhyuk stood. Minhyuk wrapped his arms around Jooheon's waist, the older of the two gripping onto Minhyuk's upper arms as he looked up at the taller boy.

"Be careful, okay? I don't want you dying on me" Minhyuk chuckled but Jooheon could hear the seriousness in his tone.

"I'm always careful Minhyukkie. How do you think I've stayed alive all these years?" Jooheon snickered.

"Still...just, be careful babe" Jooheon blushed at the pet name.

"Mhm" Jooheon nodded.

Minhyuk leaned down, capturing Jooheon's lips in a passionate kiss.

"Oi Jooheon, we gotta get going, come on!" Chan yelled out.

Felix slapped his chest, glaring at the older male.

"Let them have their moment, for fuck sake" Felix rolled his eyes.

"We've all been waiting for that to happen for literal years. Even when Jooheon 'betrayed' us, Minhyuk never held an ounce of hate towards Jooheon" Kihyun chuckled.

Felix just nods, watching Minhyuk and Jooheon exchange a few soft spoken words, another soft but short kiss. Jooheon then lets go of Minhyuk and walks over to where Felix, Chan, Kihyun, Jisung and Minho were standing.

"Okay, now we can go" Jooheon nods.

"Wait, before we go" Chan started, the small group turning their heads to face him, "Jooheon, Ken and Hongbin are dead"

Jooheon sighed heavily.

"How?" Jooheon asked softly.

"Lisa poisoned them. They're in the District 8 dungeons. We have to get their bodies to District 4 so they can be buried" Chan said.

Jooheon nodded, sighing.

"Alright, let's go then..."

IDK how I feel about this chapter TBH....I think it was kinda rushed :/ I did kind of just write it all in one go XD anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed it!

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