I Promise (Filler Chapter)

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This is literally just going to be a filler chapter of a ChanLix moment because I can asdjhhdjmkd mkai bai, hope you enjoy

Felix was the first to awaken the next day, his eyes fluttering open as he felt a pressure on his chest. He bent hai head down slightly, smiling softly as the sight of curly, silver grey hair looking like a total rats nest and the peaceful sleeping face of Chan.

Chan was still kind of on top of him, his lower half resting between Felix's legs and his arms wrapped securely around Felix's waist. Chan looked so adorable as he slept, and Felix just had to giggle at the soft little snores that escaped him.

Chan was only half asleep, hearing the giggle that had emitted from Felix and resisted the urge to smile, pretending to still be sleeping. Felix ran a hand through Chan's hair, and suddenly the older male couldn't stay asleep. Chan's eyes fluttered open as he moved his head so his chin rested against Felix's chest, smiling tiredly at Felix.

"Morning Lix" Chan's voice rasped, thick with sleep.

"Morning rat" Felix chuckled.

Chan frowned, pouting sleepily.

"What's that name for?" Chan huffed.

"Because your hair is literally a rats nest" Felix laughed slightly louder than before.

Chan made a 'hmph' sound, his pout only growing and caused him to look like a kicked puppy.

"Calling me rat...I'll teach you to not call me rat" Chan mumbled, unwrapping his arms from around Felix's waist and moving so he was hovering over Felix, their noses touching.

Felix leaned up slightly to try and kiss Chan's nose, but Chan quickly leaned his head up and shook his head. Now it was Felix's turn to pout, Chan just smirking and chuckling softly. The older of the two then proceeded to lean down and capture Felix's lips in a rough kiss.

Felix made a very girlish squeak sound in surprise, but quickly returned the kiss, his arms wrapping around Chan's neck to pull him closer. The blanket wasn't on top of them, but Felix's unnatural body heat was enough to keep them both warm (due to the fact he was part demon and demons had an unnaturally high body heat, the same as werewolves).

The kiss lasted a solid three minutes, before they broke apart for air.

"Can we just...stay like this forever?" Felix huffed out.

Chan's smirk returned as he laughed softly.

"If only we could Lix, if only we could..." Chan sighed.

Chan leaned his forehead against Felix's, his smirk disappearing and replaced with a soft smile.

"Jooheon gave me that letter by the way" Chan whispered.

Felix opened his mouth to say something, but Chan cut him off, "no, don't say anything just...hear me out" Chan breathed in and out deeply, "it was like hell on earth for me too, I hope you understand that. I literally felt like I couldn't breathe properly without you there sometimes. I collapsed into a sobbing mess far too often, and in front of others too. My heart hurt, my head hurt, everything hurt so much because I was so far away from you, my Mate, my love, my life. I'm truly sorry for everything I put you through; all the pain and suffering that was caused because I left you here to basically fend for yourself. I love you, Felix, I love you so much" Chan's voice broke as he tried to hold back the tears, "I felt it too, all of it. The times you screamed or cried when the pain got too much; I could hear it in my head and it fucking hurt me so much. It shattered my heart. I promise, I'll never put you through that pain again, and I'll be damned if I let anyone else hurt you like that too" Chan promised.

Felix could feel the tears welling up in his eyes, sniffling quietly.

"I...I'm not angry with you any more Channie. Yes, a little upset but...at least I wasn't the only one feeling pain" Felix turned his head away, tears now falling rapidly onto the worn mattress.

Chan leaned down, placing a soft kiss on Felix's cheek, proceeding to then lie on top of Felix, burying his face in Felix's neck and wrapping his arms around Felix's middle.

"I promise" Chan whispered against Felix's neck, breathing in the hybrids scent, "I promise I'll never leave you, ever again"

Well....that went in a completely different direction to what I originally wanted to do...I swear, this keeps happening. About 90% of this book so far is full of unplanned moments -.-

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